Product References
Th2 cells inhibit growth of colon and pancreas cancers by promoting anti-tumorigenic responses from macrophages and eosinophils.
British journal of cancer
Jacenik D,Karagiannidis I,Beswick EJ
Published figure using MBP monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-24990) in Immunohistochemistry
Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Th2 cells inhibit growth of colon and pancreas cancers by promoting anti-tumorigenic responses from macrophages and eosinophils.
British journal of cancer
Jacenik D,Karagiannidis I,Beswick EJ
Published figure using MBP monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-24990) in Immunohistochemistry
Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Overexpression of OLIG2 and MYT1L Transcription Factors Enhance the Differentiation Potential of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Oligodendrocytes.
Current issues in molecular biology
Fahim I,Ishaque A,Ramzan F,Shamsuddin SABA,Ali A,Salim A,Khan I
MA1-24990 was used in Immunocytochemistry to differentiate hUC-MSCs into oligodendrocyte-like cells, which is greatly facilitated by the oligo induction medium.
Sun May 07 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Clinical and histomolecular endometrial tumor characterization of patients at-risk for Lynch syndrome in South of Brazil.
Familial cancer
Cossio SL,Koehler-Santos P,Pessini SA,Mónego H,Edelweiss MI,Meurer L,Errami A,Coffa J,Bock H,Saraiva-Pereira ML,Ashton-Prolla P,Prolla JC
MA1-24990 was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section to measure the frequency of mismatch repair deficiencies in women diagnosed with endometrial cancer who are at-risk for Lynch syndrome
Tue Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2010
Clinical implications of microsatellite instability and MLH1 gene inactivation in sporadic insulinomas.
The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism
Mei M,Deng D,Liu TH,Sang XT,Lu X,Xiang HD,Zhou J,Wu H,Yang Y,Chen J,Lu CM,Chen YJ
MA1-24990 was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section to discuss biomarkers for insulinomas
Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Impact of microsatellite instability (MSI) on survival in high grade endometrial carcinoma.
Gynecologic oncology
Arabi H,Guan H,Kumar S,Cote M,Bandyopadhyay S,Bryant C,Shah J,Abdul-Karim FW,Munkarah AR,Ali-Fehmi R
MA1-24990 was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section to correlate microstellite instability and other clinicopathologic markers with survival of patients with high grade endometrial carcinoma
Fri May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Expression of hMLH1 and hMSH2 proteins in pleomorphic adenoma of minor salivary glands: relationship with clinical and histologic findings.
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology, and endodontics
Tobón-Arroyave SI,Flórez-Moreno GA,Jaramillo-Cárdenas JF,Arango-Uribe JD,Isaza-Guzmán DM,Rendón-Henao J
MA1-24990 was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section to assess the relationship between clinicopathological features and expression of hMLH1 and hMSH2 proteins in pleomorphic adenoma of minor salivary glands
Sat Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Oncoprotein Bcl-2 and microsatellite instability are associated with disease-free survival and treatment response in colorectal cancer.
Oncology reports
Bendardaf R,Lamlum H,Ristamäki R,Syrjänen K,Pyrhönen S
MA1-24990 was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section to determine the expression of Bcl-2, hMLH1, and hMSH2 in patients with advanced colorectal cancer and correlate their expression with therapeutic response and disease outcome
Sat Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Sebaceous carcinoma of the eyelids: thirty cases from Japan.
Pathology international
Izumi M,Mukai K,Nagai T,Matsubayashi J,Iwaya K,Chiu CS,Goto H
MA1-24990 was used in immunohistochemistry - paraffin section to characterize thirty cases of sebaceous carcinoma of the eyelids
Fri Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2008