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Valid in the United States only for orders placed on or before December 30, 2016, and only in connection with products identified in the provided list. Pricing in U.S. dollars. All pricing information and values based on current manufacturer's suggested list price. "Savings" or "Discount" indicated herein represent the maximum difference between the standard manufacturer's suggested list price of the product and the manufacturer's suggested list price for the product under this promotion. Actual savings may vary, subject to dealer participation. Not valid in connection with any other offer or discount. Void where prohibited by law or company policy. Please note that items represented at no cost represent "in-kind discounts" and should be reported accordingly. Prices and specifications or products subject to change at any time. Not to be combined with any other offers. For Healthcare customers, please note that the value of the specific offer(s) the customer may receive from the manufacturer under this program is a discount or other reduction in price to the customer under section 1128B(b)(3)(A) of the Social Security Act [42 U.S.C. 1320a-7b (b) (3)(a)]. Accordingly, the customer shall disclose this and any other discounts or other reduction in price received under this program under any state or federal program which provides cost or charge-based reimbursements to the customer for the products or services purchased under this program. By participating in this promotion, you warrant that you are not a Health Care Practitioner or Health Care Professional as defined in the Code of Massachusetts Regulations, 105 CMR 970, or a healthcare professional as defined under 18.V.S.A. §4631, or a healthcare professional as defined under any similar federal, state or local law regulation.