Product References
Genetic alterations of the SUMO isopeptidase SENP6 drive lymphomagenesis and genetic instability in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma.
Nature communications
Schick M,Zhang L,Maurer S,Maurer HC,Isaakaidis K,Schneider L,Patra U,Schunck K,Rohleder E,Hofstetter J,Baluapuri A,Scherger AK,Slotta-Huspenina J,Hettler F,Weber J,Engleitner T,Maresch R,Slawska J,Lewis R,Istvanffy R,Habringer S,Steiger K,Baiker A,Oostendorp RAJ,Miething C,Lenhof HP,Bassermann F,Chapuy B,Wirth M,Wolf E,Rad R,Müller S,Keller U
12-5890-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to identify the SUMO isopeptidase SENP6 as a tumor suppressor that links unrestricted SUMOylation to tumor development and progression.
Wed Jan 12 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Protective role of host complement system in Aspergillus fumigatus infection.
Frontiers in immunology
Shende R,Wong SSW,Meitei HT,Lal G,Madan T,Aimanianda V,Pal JK,Sahu A
12-5890-82 was used in flow cytometry to show that C3 knockout (C3-/-) mice are highly susceptible to systemic infection of A. fumigatus.
Tue Oct 11 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Image-seq: spatially resolved single-cell sequencing guided by in situ and in vivo imaging.
Nature methods
Haase C,Gustafsson K,Mei S,Yeh SC,Richter D,Milosevic J,Turcotte R,Kharchenko PV,Sykes DB,Scadden DT,Lin CP
12-5890-82 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to present Image-seq, a technology that provides single-cell transcriptional data on cells that are isolated from specific spatial locations under image guidance, thus preserving the spatial information of the target cells.
Thu Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Reciprocal regulation of RIG-I and XRCC4 connects DNA repair with RIG-I immune signaling.
Nature communications
Guo G,Gao M,Gao X,Zhu B,Huang J,Tu X,Kim W,Zhao F,Zhou Q,Zhu S,Wu Z,Yan Y,Zhang Y,Zeng X,Zhu Q,Yin P,Luo K,Sun J,Deng M,Lou Z
Published figure using IgM monoclonal antibody (Product # 12-5890-82) in Flow Cytometry
Mon Apr 12 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient hepatocytes differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells allow familial hypercholesterolemia modeling, CRISPR/Cas-mediated genetic correction, and productive hepatitis C virus infection.
Stem cell research & therapy
Caron J,Pène V,Tolosa L,Villaret M,Luce E,Fourrier A,Heslan JM,Saheb S,Bruckert E,Gómez-Lechón MJ,Nguyen TH,Rosenberg AR,Weber A,Dubart-Kupperschmitt A
12-5890-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to provides the first LDLR-null FH cell model and its corrected counterpart to study the regulation of cholesterol metabolism and host determinants of HCV life cycle, and a platform to screen drugs for treating dyslipidemia and HCV infection.
Mon Jul 29 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Variation in zygotic CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing outcomes generates novel reporter and deletion alleles at the Gdf11 locus.
Scientific reports
Goldstein JM,Valido A,Lewandowski JP,Walker RG,Mills MJ,Messemer KA,Besseling P,Lee KH,Wattrus SJ,Cho M,Lee RT,Wagers AJ
12-5890 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to confirm that one-step zygotic injections of CRISPR/Cas gene editing complexes provide a quick and powerful tool to generate gene-modified mouse models.
Mon Dec 09 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase 1, Increased in Human Gastric Pre-Neoplasia, Promotes Inflammation and Metaplasia in Mice and Is Associated With Type II Hypersensitivity/Autoimmunity.
El-Zaatari M,Bass AJ,Bowlby R,Zhang M,Syu LJ,Yang Y,Grasberger H,Shreiner A,Tan B,Bishu S,Leung WK,Todisco A,Kamada N,Cascalho M,Dlugosz AA,Kao JY
Published figure using IgM monoclonal antibody (Product # 12-5890-82) in Flow Cytometry
Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Human herpesvirus-encoded kinase induces B cell lymphomas in vivo.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Anders PM,Montgomery ND,Montgomery SA,Bhatt AP,Dittmer DP,Damania B
12-5890 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to analyse the function of viral protein kinase in vivo.
Fri Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
miR-128 inhibits telomerase activity by targeting TERT mRNA.
Guzman H,Sanders K,Idica A,Bochnakian A,Jury D,Daugaard I,Zisoulis DG,Pedersen IM
12-5890 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunoflourescence to study the mechanisms by which miR-128 inhibits telomerase activity to inhibit tumourigenesis.
Fri Mar 02 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Genome organization and chromatin analysis identify transcriptional downregulation of insulin-like growth factor signaling as a hallmark of aging in developing B cells.
Genome biology
Koohy H,Bolland DJ,Matheson LS,Schoenfelder S,Stellato C,Dimond A,Várnai C,Chovanec P,Chessa T,Denizot J,Manzano Garcia R,Wingett SW,Freire-Pritchett P,Nagano T,Hawkins P,Stephens L,Elderkin S,Spivakov M,Fraser P,Corcoran AE,Varga-Weisz PD
12-5890 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to profile gene expression and chromatin features genome-wide, in bone marrow pro-B and pre-B cells from young and aged mice.
Wed Sep 05 00:00:00 UTC 2018
NFATc1 supports imiquimod-induced skin inflammation by suppressing IL-10 synthesis in B cells.
Nature communications
Alrefai H,Muhammad K,Rudolf R,Pham DA,Klein-Hessling S,Patra AK,Avots A,Bukur V,Sahin U,Tenzer S,Goebeler M,Kerstan A,Serfling E
Published figure using IgM monoclonal antibody (Product # 12-5890-82) in Flow Cytometry
Wed May 25 00:00:00 UTC 2016
The GIY-YIG Type Endonuclease Ankyrin Repeat and LEM Domain-Containing Protein 1 (ANKLE1) Is Dispensable for Mouse Hematopoiesis.
PloS one
Braun J,Meixner A,Brachner A,Foisner R
12-5890 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to test whether ANKLE1 may contribute to Holliday junction resolution during DNA repair in mice.
Fri Aug 12 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Mutations in G protein β subunits promote transformation and kinase inhibitor resistance.
Nature medicine
Yoda A,Adelmant G,Tamburini J,Chapuy B,Shindoh N,Yoda Y,Weigert O,Kopp N,Wu SC,Kim SS,Liu H,Tivey T,Christie AL,Elpek KG,Card J,Gritsman K,Gotlib J,Deininger MW,Makishima H,Turley SJ,Javidi-Sharifi N,Maciejewski JP,Jaiswal S,Ebert BL,Rodig SJ,Tyner JW,Marto JA,Weinstock DM,Lane AA
12589082 was used in flow cytometry to investigate the role of GNB1 and GNB2 in cancer cells.
Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
B cell-intrinsic CD84 and Ly108 maintain germinal center B cell tolerance.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Wong EB,Soni C,Chan AY,Domeier PP,Abraham T,Limaye N,Khan TN,Elias MJ,Chodisetti SB,Wakeland EK,Rahman ZS
12-5890 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the effect of B cell-intrinsic polymorphic SLAM receptors on germinal center B cell tolerance.
Fri May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Essential role for autophagy in the maintenance of immunological memory against influenza infection.
Nature medicine
Chen M,Hong MJ,Sun H,Wang L,Shi X,Gilbert BE,Corry DB,Kheradmand F,Wang J
12-5890 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate autophagy is essential for the survival of virus-specific memory B cells and maintenance of protective antibody responses.
Thu May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Murine complement receptor 1 is required for germinal center B cell maintenance but not initiation.
Donius LR,Weis JJ,Weis JH
12-5890 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to describe unique functions of Cr1 on the surface of both B cells and follicular dendritic cells.
Sun Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Generation of a novel Cr2 gene allele by homologous recombination that abrogates production of Cr2 but is sufficient for expression of Cr1.
Donius LR,Orlando CM,Weis JJ,Weis JH
12-5890 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study how the Cr2KO mouse provides a new model system for the analysis of Cr1 and Cr2 functions in the immune response of the mouse.
Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
The histone methyltransferase MMSET regulates class switch recombination.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Pei H,Wu X,Liu T,Yu K,Jelinek DF,Lou Z
Published figure using IgM monoclonal antibody (Product # 12-5890-82) in Flow Cytometry
Tue Jan 15 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Y chromosome-linked B and NK cell deficiency in mice.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Sun SL,Horino S,Itoh-Nakadai A,Kawabe T,Asao A,Takahashi T,So T,Funayama R,Kondo M,Saitsu H,Matsumoto N,Nakayama K,Ishii N
12-5890 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to establish a novel mouse strain in which all males lack B and natural killer cells and have Peyer's patch defects.
Sat Jun 15 00:00:00 UTC 2013
The inhibiting Fc receptor for IgG, FcγRIIB, is a modifier of autoimmune susceptibility.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Boross P,Arandhara VL,Martin-Ramirez J,Santiago-Raber ML,Carlucci F,Flierman R,van der Kaa J,Breukel C,Claassens JW,Camps M,Lubberts E,Salvatori D,Rastaldi MP,Ossendorp F,Daha MR,Cook HT,Izui S,Botto M,Verbeek JS
12-5890 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to determine the specific contribution of FcγRIIB deficiency to the development of lupus in FcγRIIB(129)(-/-) mice.
Mon Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
A possible contribution of retinoids to regulation of fetal B lymphopoiesis.
European journal of immunology
Chen X,Welner RS,Kincade PW
12-5890 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to determine that retinoids may partially account for rapid differentiation in foetal life, but not for all unique features of foetal progenitors.
Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2009