Product References
Trigonelline is an NAD+ precursor that improves muscle function during ageing and is reduced in human sarcopenia.
Nature metabolism
Membrez M,Migliavacca E,Christen S,Yaku K,Trieu J,Lee AK,Morandini F,Giner MP,Stiner J,Makarov MV,Garratt ES,Vasiloglou MF,Chanvillard L,Dalbram E,Ehrlich AM,Sanchez-Garcia JL,Canto C,Karagounis LG,Treebak JT,Migaud ME,Heshmat R,Razi F,Karnani N,Ostovar A,Farzadfar F,Tay SKH,Sanders MJ,Lillycrop KA,Godfrey KM,Nakagawa T,Moco S,Koopman R,Lynch GS,Sorrentino V,Feige JN
Published figure using OxPhos Rodent WB cocktail antibody (Product # 45-8099) in Western Blot
Fri Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2024
Differential responses to UCP1 ablation in classical brown versus beige fat, despite a parallel increase in sympathetic innervation.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Naren Q,Lindsund E,Bokhari MH,Pang W,Petrovic N
Published figure using OxPhos Rodent WB cocktail antibody (Product # 45-8099) in Western Blot
Fri Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2024
Developmental programming of mitochondrial substrate metabolism in skeletal muscle of adult sheep by cortisol exposure before birth.
Journal of developmental origins of health and disease
Davies KL,Camm EJ,Smith DJ,Miles J,Forhead AJ,Murray AJ,Fowden AL
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to examine mitochondrial substrate metabolism of fetal and adult ovine biceps femoris (BF) and semitendinosus (ST) muscles after cortisol infusion before birth.
Wed Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Maternal thyroid hormone receptor β activation in mice sparks brown fat thermogenesis in the offspring.
Nature communications
Oelkrug R,Harder L,Pedaran M,Hoffmann A,Kolms B,Inderhees J,Gachkar S,Resch J,Johann K,Jöhren O,Krause K,Mittag J
45-8099 was used in Western Blot to identify distinct T3 induced alterations in maternal serum metabolites, including choline, a key metabolite for healthy pregnancy.
Tue Oct 24 00:00:00 UTC 2023
GADD45A regulates subcutaneous fat deposition and lipid metabolism by interacting with Stat1.
BMC biology
You W,Liu S,Li J,Tu Y,Shan T
45-8099 was used in Western Blot to provide new potential targets for combating obesity-related metabolic diseases and improving human health.
Mon Oct 09 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Reduced intestinal lipid absorption improves glucose metabolism in aged G2-Terc knockout mice.
BMC biology
Liu X,Khalil AEMM,Muthukumarasamy U,Onogi Y,Yan X,Singh I,Lopez-Gonzales E,Israel A,Serrano AC,Strowig T,Ussar S
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to show that moderate telomere shortening reduces intestinal lipid absorption, resulting in reduced adiposity and improved glucose metabolism in aged mice.
Tue Jul 04 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Remdesivir increases mtDNA copy number causing mild alterations to oxidative phosphorylation.
Scientific reports
DeFoor N,Paul S,Li S,Basso EKG,Stevenson V,Browning JL,Prater AK,Brindley S,Tao G,Pickrell AM
45-8099 was used in Western Blot to show that certain nucleoside analogues unintentionally inhibit mitochondrial RNA or DNA polymerases or cause mutational changes to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA).
Fri Sep 15 00:00:00 UTC 2023
FAM210A is essential for cold-induced mitochondrial remodeling in brown adipocytes.
Nature communications
Qiu J,Yue F,Zhu P,Chen J,Xu F,Zhang L,Kim KH,Snyder MM,Luo N,Xu HW,Huang F,Tao WA,Kuang S
45-8099 was used in Western Blot to establish FAM210A as a key regulator of mitochondrial cristae remodeling in BAT and shed light on the mechanism underlying mitochondrial plasticity in response to cold.
Tue Oct 10 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Neonatal intake of Omega-3 fatty acids enhances lipid oxidation in adipocyte precursors.
Varshney R,Das S,Trahan GD,Farriester JW,Mullen GP,Kyere-Davies G,Presby DM,Houck JA,Webb PG,Dzieciatkowska M,Jones KL,Rodeheffer MS,Friedman JE,MacLean PS,Rudolph MC
45-8099 was used in Western Blot to define how neonatal consumption of a low omega-6 to -3 fatty acid ratio (n6/n3 FA ratio) establishes FA oxidation in adipocyte precursor cells (APCs) before they become adipocytes.
Fri Jan 20 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Acetate and succinate benefit host muscle energetics as exercise-associated post-biotics.
Physiological reports
Ismaeel A,Valentino TR,Burke B,Goh J,Saliu TP,Albathi F,Owen A,McCarthy JJ,Wen Y
45-8099 was used in Western Blot to identify acetate and succinate as potential gut microbial metabolites that are produced by Muribaculaceae bacterium, which were then administered to mice during a period of mechanical overload-induced muscle hypertrophy.
Wed Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Engineered allele substitution at PPARGC1A rs8192678 alters human white adipocyte differentiation, lipogenesis, and PGC-1α content and turnover.
Huang M,Claussnitzer M,Saadat A,Coral DE,Kalamajski S,Franks PW
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to provide the first experimentally deduced insights on the effects of rs8192678 on adipocyte phenotype.
Sat Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
The Effects of In Utero Fetal Hypoxia and Creatine Treatment on Mitochondrial Function in the Late Gestation Fetal Sheep Brain.
Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity
Muccini AM,Tran NT,Hale N,McKenzie M,Snow RJ,Walker DW,Ellery SJ
45-8099 was used in Western Blot to demonstrate that creatine treatment prior to brief, acute hypoxia does not fundamentally modify mitochondrial respiratory function, but may improve mitochondrial structural integrity and potentially increase mitogenesis and activity of antiapoptotic pathways.
Thu Mar 17 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Hepatic Lipid Accumulation and Dysregulation Associate with Enhanced Reactive Oxygen Species and Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine in Low-Birth-Weight Goats.
Animals : an open access journal from MDPI
Liu T,Li R,Luo N,Lou P,Limesand SW,Yang Y,Zhao Y,Chen X
Published figure using OxPhos Rodent WB cocktail antibody (Product # 45-8099) in Western Blot
Fri Mar 18 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Impaired mitochondrial oxidative metabolism in skeletal progenitor cells leads to musculoskeletal disintegration.
Nature communications
Lin C,Yang Q,Guo D,Xie J,Yang YS,Chaugule S,DeSouza N,Oh WT,Li R,Chen Z,John AA,Qiu Q,Zhu LJ,Greenblatt MB,Ghosh S,Li S,Gao G,Haynes C,Emerson CP,Shim JH
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to identify mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation as the prominent energy-driving force for osteogenesis of skeletal progenitors, governing musculoskeletal integrity.
Fri Nov 11 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Phosphoproteomic mapping reveals distinct signaling actions and activation of muscle protein synthesis by Isthmin-1.
Zhao M,Banhos Danneskiold-Samsøe N,Ulicna L,Nguyen Q,Voilquin L,Lee DE,White JP,Jiang Z,Cuthbert N,Paramasivam S,Bielczyk-Maczynska E,Van Rechem C,Svensson KJ
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to define a non-canonical mechanism by which this antidiabetic circulating protein controls muscle biology.
Wed Sep 28 00:00:00 UTC 2022
A Novel Ketone-Supplemented Diet Improves Recognition Memory and Hippocampal Mitochondrial Efficiency in Healthy Adult Mice.
Saito ER,Warren CE,Hanegan CM,Larsen JG,du Randt JD,Cannon M,Saito JY,Campbell RJ,Kemberling CM,Miller GS,Edwards JG,Bikman BT
45-8099 was used in Western Blot to explore the mitochondrial and performative outcomes of a novel eight-week ketone-supplemented ketogenic (KETO) diet in healthy adult male and female mice.
Tue Oct 25 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Dihydromyricetin ameliorates social isolation-induced anxiety by modulating mitochondrial function, antioxidant enzymes, and BDNF.
Neurobiology of stress
Al Omran AJ,Watanabe S,Hong EC,Skinner SG,Zhang M,Zhang J,Shao XM,Liang J
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to highlight the molecular mechanisms that partially explain the anxiolytic effects of dihydromyricetin.
Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Placental structure, function, and mitochondrial phenotype relate to fetal size in each fetal sex in mice†.
Biology of reproduction
Salazar-Petres E,Pereira-Carvalho D,Lopez-Tello J,Sferruzzi-Perri AN
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to show that in normal mouse pregnancy, placental structure, function, and mitochondrial phenotype are differentially responsive to the growth of the female and male fetus.
Mon Jun 13 00:00:00 UTC 2022
The oxidoreductase CLIC4 is required to maintain mitochondrial function and resistance to exogenous oxidants in breast cancer cells.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Al Khamici H,Sanchez VC,Yan H,Cataisson C,Michalowski AM,Yang HH,Li L,Lee MP,Huang J,Yuspa SH
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to highlight a critical role for CLIC4 in maintaining redox-homeostasis and mitochondrial functions in 6DT1 cells.
Thu Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Development of cerebral mitochondrial respiratory function is impaired by thyroid hormone deficiency before birth in a region-specific manner.
FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Davies KL,Smith DJ,El-Bacha T,Stewart ME,Easwaran A,Wooding PFP,Forhead AJ,Murray AJ,Fowden AL,Camm EJ
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to understand the role of thyroid hormones in cerebral oxidative phosphorylation before birth.
Sat May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Autophagy, TERT, and mitochondrial dysfunction in hyperoxia.
American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology
Beyer AM,Norwood Toro LE,Hughes WE,Young M,Clough AV,Gao F,Medhora M,Audi SH,Jacobs ER
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to show that activation of autophagy/mitophagy and/or TERT mitigate loss of mitochondrial function and barrier integrity in hyperoxia.
Mon Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Prevention of HIV-1 TAT Protein-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Mitochondrial Disruption by the Antimuscarinic Pirenzepine.
Frontiers in neurology
Han MM,Frizzi KE,Ellis RJ,Calcutt NA,Fields JA
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to measured indices of peripheral neuropathy in the doxycycline (DOX)-inducible HIV-TAT (iTAT) transgenic mouse and investigated the therapeutic efficacy of a selective muscarinic subtype-1 receptor (M1R) antagonist, pirenzepine (PZ).
Tue Jul 06 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Erythropoietin promotes hippocampal mitochondrial function and enhances cognition in mice.
Communications biology
Jacobs RA,Aboouf MA,Koester-Hegmann C,Muttathukunnel P,Laouafa S,Arias-Reyes C,Thiersch M,Soliz J,Gassmann M,Schneider Gasser EM
Published figure using OxPhos Rodent WB cocktail antibody (Product # 45-8099) in Western Blot
Thu Aug 05 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Erythropoietin promotes hippocampal mitochondrial function and enhances cognition in mice.
Communications biology
Jacobs RA,Aboouf MA,Koester-Hegmann C,Muttathukunnel P,Laouafa S,Arias-Reyes C,Thiersch M,Soliz J,Gassmann M,Schneider Gasser EM
Published figure using OxPhos Rodent WB cocktail antibody (Product # 45-8099) in Western Blot
Thu Aug 05 00:00:00 UTC 2021
An improved method for the precise unravelment of non-shivering brown fat thermokinetics.
Scientific reports
Oelkrug R,Mittag J
45-8099 was used in Western Blot to present a simple yet highly effective and minimally invasive protocol for the Precise Unravelment of Non-shivering brown fat thermoKinetics (PUNK) in mice.
Fri Feb 26 00:00:00 UTC 2021
An improved method for the precise unravelment of non-shivering brown fat thermokinetics.
Scientific reports
Oelkrug R,Mittag J
45-8099 was used in Western Blot to present a simple yet highly effective and minimally invasive protocol for the Precise Unravelment of Non-shivering brown fat thermoKinetics (PUNK) in mice.
Fri Feb 26 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Identification of long-lived proteins in the mitochondria reveals increased stability of the electron transport chain.
Developmental cell
Krishna S,Arrojo E Drigo R,Capitanio JS,Ramachandra R,Ellisman M,Hetzer MW
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to suggest that modulating protein longevity within the ETC is critical for mitochondrial proteome maintenance and the robustness of mitochondrial function.
Mon Nov 08 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Enhanced hepatic respiratory capacity and altered lipid metabolism support metabolic homeostasis during short-term hypoxic stress.
BMC biology
O'Brien KA,McNally BD,Sowton AP,Murgia A,Armitage J,Thomas LW,Krause FN,Maddalena LA,Francis I,Kavanagh S,Williams DP,Ashcroft M,Griffin JL,Lyon JJ,Murray AJ
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to report that hepatic respiratory capacity is enhanced following short-term exposure to hypoxia (2 days, 10% O2) and is associated with increased abundance of the respiratory chain supercomplex III2+IV and increased cardiolipin levels.
Wed Dec 15 00:00:00 UTC 2021
β3-Adrenergic receptors regulate human brown/beige adipocyte lipolysis and thermogenesis.
JCI insight
Cero C,Lea HJ,Zhu KY,Shamsi F,Tseng YH,Cypess AM
45-8099 was used in Western Blot to highlight that β3-ARs in human brown/beige adipocytes are required to maintain multiple components of the lipolytic and thermogenic cellular machinery and that β3-AR agonists could be used to achieve metabolic benefit in humans.
Tue Jun 08 00:00:00 UTC 2021
An adipocyte-specific defect in oxidative phosphorylation increases systemic energy expenditure and protects against diet-induced obesity in mouse models.
Choi MJ,Jung SB,Lee SE,Kang SG,Lee JH,Ryu MJ,Chung HK,Chang JY,Kim YK,Hong HJ,Kim H,Kim HJ,Lee CH,Mardinoglu A,Yi HS,Shong M
45-8099 was used in Western Blot to identify the effects of GDF15 and FGF21 on the metabolic phenotype of AdKO mice and generate AdKO mice with global Gdf15 knockout (AdGKO) or global Fgf21 knockout (AdFKO).
Wed Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Evidence for a Physiological Mitochondrial Angiotensin II System in the Kidney Proximal Tubules: Novel Roles of Mitochondrial Ang II/AT1a/O2- and Ang II/AT2/NO Signaling.
Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979)
Li XC,Zhou X,Zhuo JL
45-8099 was used in Western Blot to provide new evidence for a physiological role of PT mitochondrial Ang II/AT1a/superoxide/NHE3 and Ang II/AT2/NO/NHE3 signaling pathways in maintaining blood pressure homeostasis.
Wed Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Mitochondrial adaptations in liver and skeletal muscle to pro-longevity nutritional and genetic interventions: the crosstalk between calorie restriction and CYB5R3 overexpression in transgenic mice.
Rodríguez-López S,López-Bellón S,González-Reyes JA,Burón MI,de Cabo R,Villalba JM
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to study the effects of CYB5R3 on metabolic adaptions induced by calorie restriction using a mouse model.
Mon Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Development and thyroid hormone dependence of skeletal muscle mitochondrial function towards birth.
The Journal of physiology
Davies KL,Camm EJ,Atkinson EV,Lopez T,Forhead AJ,Murray AJ,Fowden AL
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to show the mitochondrial function matures over the perinatal period and is dependent on thyroid hormones, with potential consequences for neonatal viability and adult metabolic health.
Mon Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Loss of AKAP1 triggers Drp1 dephosphorylation-mediated mitochondrial fission and loss in retinal ganglion cells.
Cell death & disease
Edwards G,Perkins GA,Kim KY,Kong Y,Lee Y,Choi SH,Liu Y,Skowronska-Krawczyk D,Weinreb RN,Zangwill L,Strack S,Ju WK
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to demonstrate that glaucomatous retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) show loss of A-kinase anchoring protein 1 (AKAP1), activation of calcineurin (CaN) and reduction of dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) phosphorylation at serine 637 (Ser637).
Mon Apr 20 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Loss of AKAP1 triggers Drp1 dephosphorylation-mediated mitochondrial fission and loss in retinal ganglion cells.
Cell death & disease
Edwards G,Perkins GA,Kim KY,Kong Y,Lee Y,Choi SH,Liu Y,Skowronska-Krawczyk D,Weinreb RN,Zangwill L,Strack S,Ju WK
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to demonstrate that glaucomatous retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) show loss of A-kinase anchoring protein 1 (AKAP1), activation of calcineurin (CaN) and reduction of dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) phosphorylation at serine 637 (Ser637).
Mon Apr 20 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Effect of Ubiquinol on Glaucomatous Neurodegeneration and Oxidative Stress: Studies for Retinal Ganglion Cell Survival and/or Visual Function.
Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland)
Edwards G,Lee Y,Kim M,Bhanvadia S,Kim KY,Ju WK
Published figure using OxPhos Rodent WB cocktail antibody (Product # 45-8099) in Western Blot
Sat Oct 03 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Effect of Ubiquinol on Glaucomatous Neurodegeneration and Oxidative Stress: Studies for Retinal Ganglion Cell Survival and/or Visual Function.
Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland)
Edwards G,Lee Y,Kim M,Bhanvadia S,Kim KY,Ju WK
Published figure using OxPhos Rodent WB cocktail antibody (Product # 45-8099) in Western Blot
Sat Oct 03 00:00:00 UTC 2020
GADD45α drives brown adipose tissue formation through upregulating PPARγ in mice.
Cell death & disease
You W,Xu Z,Sun Y,Valencak TG,Wang Y,Shan T
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to identify GADD45α, a stress-inducible histone folding protein, as a potential regulator for brown adipose tissue biogenesis.
Mon Jul 27 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Adaptive Thermogenesis in Mice Is Enhanced by Opsin 3-Dependent Adipocyte Light Sensing.
Cell reports
Nayak G,Zhang KX,Vemaraju S,Odaka Y,Buhr ED,Holt-Jones A,Kernodle S,Smith AN,Upton BA,D'Souza S,Zhan JJ,Diaz N,Nguyen MT,Mukherjee R,Gordon SA,Wu G,Schmidt R,Mei X,Petts NT,Batie M,Rao S,Hogenesch JB,Nakamura T,Sweeney A,Seeley RJ,Van Gelder RN,Sanchez-Gurmaches J,Lang RA
45-8099 was used in Western Blot to identify a murine light-response pathway utilising encephalopsin to regulate adipocyte function.
Tue Jan 21 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Maternal Brown Fat Thermogenesis Programs Glucose Tolerance in the Male Offspring.
Cell reports
Oelkrug R,Krause C,Herrmann B,Resch J,Gachkar S,El Gammal AT,Wolter S,Mann O,Oster H,Kirchner H,Mittag J
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to show in mice that even minor changes in maternal thermogenesis alter the metabolic phenotype already in the next generation.
Tue Nov 03 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Mitochondrial Regulation of the 26S Proteasome.
Cell reports
Meul T,Berschneider K,Schmitt S,Mayr CH,Mattner LF,Schiller HB,Yazgili AS,Wang X,Lukas C,Schlesser C,Prehn C,Adamski J,Graf E,Schwarzmayr T,Perocchi F,Kukat A,Trifunovic A,Kremer L,Prokisch H,Popper B,von Toerne C,Hauck SM,Zischka H,Meiners S
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to uncover unexpected consequences of defective mitochondrial metabolism for proteasomal protein degradation in the cell, which has important pathophysiological and therapeutic implications.
Tue Aug 25 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Dopamine receptor D1- and D2-agonists do not spark brown adipose tissue thermogenesis in mice.
Scientific reports
Raffaelli FM,Resch J,Oelkrug R,Iwen KA,Mittag J
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to investigate the agonists which do not seem to exert lasting and physiologically relevant effects on BAT thermogenesis after peripheral administration, demonstrating that D1- and D2-receptors in iBAT are unlikely to constitute targets for obesity treatment via BAT activation.
Thu Nov 19 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Down-regulation of the mitochondrial i-AAA protease Yme1L induces muscle atrophy via FoxO3a and myostatin activation.
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine
Lee YJ,Kim GH,Park SI,Lim JH
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to suggest that a deficiency in Yme1L and the consequential imbalance in mitochondrial dynamics result in the activation of FoxO3a and myostatin, which contribute to the pathological state of muscle atrophy.
Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
PGRMC2 is an intracellular haem chaperone critical for adipocyte function.
Galmozzi A,Kok BP,Kim AS,Montenegro-Burke JR,Lee JY,Spreafico R,Mosure S,Albert V,Cintron-Colon R,Godio C,Webb WR,Conti B,Solt LA,Kojetin D,Parker CG,Peluso JJ,Pru JK,Siuzdak G,Cravatt BF,Saez E
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to uncover a role for PGRMC2 in intracellular haem transport, reveal the influence of adipose tissue haem dynamics on physiology and suggest that modulation of PGRMC2 may revert obesity-linked defects in adipocytes.
Sun Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Thyroid-Hormone-Induced Browning of White Adipose Tissue Does Not Contribute to Thermogenesis and Glucose Consumption.
Cell reports
Johann K,Cremer AL,Fischer AW,Heine M,Pensado ER,Resch J,Nock S,Virtue S,Harder L,Oelkrug R,Astiz M,Brabant G,Warner A,Vidal-Puig A,Oster H,Boelen A,López M,Heeren J,Dalley JW,Backes H,Mittag J
45-8099 was used in Western Blot to reveal that TH instead causes hyperthermia by actions in skeletal muscle combined with a central body temperature set-point elevation.
Tue Jun 11 00:00:00 UTC 2019
17β-Estradiol Directly Lowers Mitochondrial Membrane Microviscosity and Improves Bioenergetic Function in Skeletal Muscle.
Cell metabolism
Torres MJ,Kew KA,Ryan TE,Pennington ER,Lin CT,Buddo KA,Fix AM,Smith CA,Gilliam LA,Karvinen S,Lowe DA,Spangenburg EE,Zeczycki TN,Shaikh SR,Neufer PD
Published figure using OxPhos Rodent WB cocktail antibody (Product # 45-8099) in Western Blot
Tue Jan 09 00:00:00 UTC 2018
MTA1 is a novel regulator of autophagy that induces tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer cells.
Lee MH,Koh D,Na H,Ka NL,Kim S,Kim HJ,Hong S,Shin YK,Seong JK,Lee MO
Published figure using OxPhos Rodent WB cocktail antibody (Product # 45-8099) in Western Blot
Thu Oct 03 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Impact of 17β-estradiol on complex I kinetics and H2O2 production in liver and skeletal muscle mitochondria.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Torres MJ,Ryan TE,Lin CT,Zeczycki TN,Neufer PD
Published figure using OxPhos Rodent WB cocktail antibody (Product # 45-8099) in Western Blot
Fri Oct 26 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Growth differentiation factor 15 is a myomitokine governing systemic energy homeostasis.
The Journal of cell biology
Chung HK,Ryu D,Kim KS,Chang JY,Kim YK,Yi HS,Kang SG,Choi MJ,Lee SE,Jung SB,Ryu MJ,Kim SJ,Kweon GR,Kim H,Hwang JH,Lee CH,Lee SJ,Wall CE,Downes M,Evans RM,Auwerx J,Shong M
Published figure using OxPhos Rodent WB cocktail antibody (Product # 45-8099) in Western Blot
Mon Jan 02 00:00:00 UTC 2017
The amino acid transporter, SLC1A3, is plasma membrane-localised in adipocytes and its activity is insensitive to insulin.
FEBS letters
Krycer JR,Fazakerley DJ,Cater RJ,C Thomas K,Naghiloo S,Burchfield JG,Humphrey SJ,Vandenberg RJ,Ryan RM,James DE
458099 was used in western blot to find that the Glu/Asp transporter SLC1A3 is localized to the plasma membrane and the major regulator of acidic amino acid uptake in adipocytes
Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Liver-specific deletion of RORα aggravates diet-induced nonalcoholic steatohepatitis by inducing mitochondrial dysfunction.
Scientific reports
Kim HJ,Han YH,Na H,Kim JY,Kim T,Kim HJ,Shin C,Lee JW,Lee MO
Published figure using OxPhos Rodent WB cocktail antibody (Product # 45-8099) in Western Blot
Wed Nov 22 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Nanocurcumin-pyrroloquinoline formulation prevents hypertrophy-induced pathological damage by relieving mitochondrial stress in cardiomyocytes under hypoxic conditions.
Experimental & molecular medicine
Nehra S,Bhardwaj V,Bansal A,Chattopadhyay P,Saraswat D
45-8099 was used in Western Blotting to investigate the therapeutic effect of a nanocurcumin formulation containing nanocurcumin and pyrroloquinoline quinone on ameliorating hypoxia-induced stress in hypertrophied primary human ventricular cardiomyocytes under hypoxic conditions.
Fri Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
The role of sodium hydrosulfide in attenuating the aging process via PI3K/AKT and CaMKKβ/AMPK pathways.
Redox biology
Chen X,Zhao X,Cai H,Sun H,Hu Y,Huang X,Kong W,Kong W
45-8099 was used in Western Blot to provide a therapeutic target for aging and age-related disease.
Tue Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
The tumour suppressor LKB1 regulates myelination through mitochondrial metabolism.
Nature communications
Pooya S,Liu X,Kumar VB,Anderson J,Imai F,Zhang W,Ciraolo G,Ratner N,Setchell KD,Yoshida Y,Jankowski MP,Dasgupta B
Published figure using OxPhos Rodent WB cocktail antibody (Product # 45-8099) in Western Blot
Fri Sep 26 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Rev-erb-α modulates skeletal muscle oxidative capacity by regulating mitochondrial biogenesis and autophagy.
Nature medicine
Woldt E,Sebti Y,Solt LA,Duhem C,Lancel S,Eeckhoute J,Hesselink MK,Paquet C,Delhaye S,Shin Y,Kamenecka TM,Schaart G,Lefebvre P,Nevière R,Burris TP,Schrauwen P,Staels B,Duez H
45-8099 was used in western blot to study the contribution of Rev-erb-alpha to muscle oxidative function
Thu Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Effect of LKB1 deficiency on mitochondrial content, fibre type and muscle performance in the mouse diaphragm.
Acta physiologica (Oxford, England)
Brown JD,Hancock CR,Mongillo AD,Benjamin Barton J,DiGiovanni RA,Parcell AC,Winder WW,Thomson DM
Published figure using OxPhos Rodent WB cocktail antibody (Product # 45-8099) in Western Blot
Fri Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Nitric oxide-associated protein 1 (NOA1) is necessary for oxygen-dependent regulation of mitochondrial respiratory complexes.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Heidler J,Al-Furoukh N,Kukat C,Salwig I,Ingelmann ME,Seibel P,Krüger M,Holtz J,Wittig I,Braun T,Szibor M
Published figure using OxPhos Rodent WB cocktail antibody (Product # 45-8099) in Western Blot
Fri Sep 16 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Mitochondrial density contributes to the immune response of macrophages to lipopolysaccharide via the MAPK pathway.
FEBS letters
Kasahara E,Sekiyama A,Hori M,Hara K,Takahashi N,Konishi M,Sato EF,Matsumoto S,Okamura H,Inoue M
45-8099 was used in Western Blot to enhance cytokine release from macrophages.
Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 UTC 2011