Product References
SUMO-dependent transcriptional repression by Sox2 inhibits the proliferation of neural stem cells.
PloS one
Marelli E,Hughes J,Scotting PJ
Published figure using SOX2 monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-014) in Western Blot
Fri Mar 22 00:00:00 UTC 2024
Breast cancer stem cells generate immune-suppressive T regulatory cells by secreting TGFβ to evade immune-elimination.
Discover oncology
Mukherjee S,Chakraborty S,Basak U,Pati S,Dutta A,Dutta S,Roy D,Banerjee S,Ray A,Sa G,Das T
Published figure using SOX2 monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-014) in Immunohistochemistry
Fri Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Regulation of chromatin accessibility and gene expression in the developing hippocampal primordium by LIM-HD transcription factor LHX2.
PLoS genetics
Suresh V,Muralidharan B,Pradhan SJ,Bose M,D'Souza L,Parichha A,Reddy PC,Galande S,Tole S
MA1-014 was used in Immunohistochemistry to examine transcriptomic and chromatin-level features that distinguish the Hcp from the Ncp in the mouse during the early neurogenic period, embryonic day (E)12.5.
Tue Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Deletion of TRPC6, an Autism Risk Gene, Induces Hyperexcitability in Cortical Neurons Derived from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells.
Molecular neurobiology
Shin KC,Ali G,Ali Moussa HY,Gupta V,de la Fuente A,Kim HG,Stanton LW,Park Y
MA1-014 was used in Immunohistochemistry-immunofluorescence to provide evidence that reduction of SOCE by TRPC6 KO results in neuronal hyperexcitability, which we hypothesize is an important contributor to the cellular pathophysiology underlying hyperactivity in some ASD.
Fri Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
The Generation of Human iPSC Lines from Three Individuals with Dravet Syndrome and Characterization of Neural Differentiation Markers in iPSC-Derived Ventral Forebrain Organoid Model.
Zayat V,Kuczynska Z,Liput M,Metin E,Rzonca-Niewczas S,Smyk M,Mazurczak T,Goszczanska-Ciuchta A,Leszczynski P,Hoffman-Zacharska D,Buzanska L
MA1-014 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunofluorescence to generate iPSC lines from fibroblasts obtained from three individuals affected with DRVT carrying distinct mutations in the SCN1A gene (nonsense mutation p.Ser1516*, missense mutation p.Arg1596His, and splicing mutation c.2589+2dupT).
Mon Jan 16 00:00:00 UTC 2023
p53 isoform expression promotes a stemness phenotype and inhibits doxorubicin sensitivity in breast cancer.
Cell death & disease
Steffens Reinhardt L,Groen K,Zhang X,Morten BC,Wawruszak A,Avery-Kiejda KA
MA1-014 was used in Immunohistochemistry to show that genes associated with cell differentiation are downregulated while those associated with stem cell regulation are upregulated in invasive ductal carcinomas expressing high levels of Δ40p53.
Tue Aug 08 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Survivin Inhibition by Piperine Sensitizes Glioblastoma Cancer Stem Cells and Leads to Better Drug Response.
International journal of molecular sciences
Warrier NM,Krishnan RK,Prabhu V,Hariharapura RC,Agarwal P,Kumar P
Published figure using SOX2 monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-014) in Immunocytochemistry
Sat Jul 09 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Exopolysaccharide ID1 Improves Post-Warming Outcomes after Vitrification of In Vitro-Produced Bovine Embryos.
International journal of molecular sciences
Ordóñez-León EA,Martínez-Rodero I,García-Martínez T,López-Béjar M,Yeste M,Mercade E,Mogas T
MA1-014 was used in Immunohistochemistry to suggest that 100 µg/mL EPS ID1 added to the vitrification media is beneficial for embryo cryopreservation because it results in higher re-expansion and hatching ability and it positively modulates apoptosis.
Sat Jun 25 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Dentate gyrus morphogenesis is regulated by β-catenin function in hem-derived fimbrial glia.
Development (Cambridge, England)
Parichha A,Datta D,Suresh V,Chatterjee M,Holtzman MJ,Tole S
MA1-014 was used in Immunohistochemistry-immunofluorescence to highlight a primary requirement for β-catenin for the organization of the fimbrial scaffold and a secondary role for this factor in dentate gyrus morphogenesis.
Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Stem cell phenotype predicts therapeutic response in glioblastomas with MGMT promoter methylation.
Acta neuropathologica communications
Lakis NS,Brodsky AS,Karashchuk G,Audesse AJ,Yang D,Sturtevant A,Lombardo K,Wong IY,Webb AE,Anthony DC
MA1-014 was used in Immunohistochemistry to support the concept that the presence of a high stem cell phenotype in GBM, as marked by expression of SOX2 or CD133, may be associated with the clinical response to treatment.
Fri Nov 04 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Impact of equilibration duration combined with temperature on the outcome of bovine oocyte vitrification.
García-Martínez T,Martínez-Rodero I,Roncero-Carol J,Yánez-Ortiz I,Higgins AZ,Mogas T
MA1-014 was used in Immunohistochemistry to reveal that the limitation of the exposure time of the oocytes to the equilibration solution (ES) to the point of osmotic equilibrium volume recovery could be a more efficient approach to prepare them for vitrification.
Sun May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Novel fragile X syndrome 2D and 3D brain models based on human isogenic FMRP-KO iPSCs.
Cell death & disease
Brighi C,Salaris F,Soloperto A,Cordella F,Ghirga S,de Turris V,Rosito M,Porceddu PF,D'Antoni C,Reggiani A,Rosa A,Di Angelantonio S
Published figure using SOX2 monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-014) in Immunohistochemistry
Sat May 15 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Novel fragile X syndrome 2D and 3D brain models based on human isogenic FMRP-KO iPSCs.
Cell death & disease
Brighi C,Salaris F,Soloperto A,Cordella F,Ghirga S,de Turris V,Rosito M,Porceddu PF,D'Antoni C,Reggiani A,Rosa A,Di Angelantonio S
Published figure using SOX2 monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-014) in Immunohistochemistry
Sat May 15 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Glycoproteomic analysis of the changes in protein N-glycosylation during neuronal differentiation in human-induced pluripotent stem cells and derived neuronal cells.
Scientific reports
Kimura K,Koizumi T,Urasawa T,Ohta Y,Takakura D,Kawasaki N
Published figure using SOX2 monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-014) in Immunocytochemistry
Thu May 27 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Glycoproteomic analysis of the changes in protein N-glycosylation during neuronal differentiation in human-induced pluripotent stem cells and derived neuronal cells.
Scientific reports
Kimura K,Koizumi T,Urasawa T,Ohta Y,Takakura D,Kawasaki N
Published figure using SOX2 monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-014) in Immunocytochemistry
Thu May 27 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Guided Self-Assembly of ES-Derived Lung Progenitors into Biomimetic Tube Structures That Impact Cell Differentiation.
Bioengineering (Basel, Switzerland)
Soleas JP,Huang L,D'Arcangelo E,Nostro MC,Waddell TK,McGuigan AP,Karoubi G
MA1-014 was used in Immunocytochemistry to suggest that geometric cues impose constraints on cells, homogenize cellular morphology, and influence fate status.
Fri Dec 10 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Deconvolution of cell type-specific drug responses in human tumor tissue with single-cell RNA-seq.
Genome medicine
Zhao W,Dovas A,Spinazzi EF,Levitin HM,Banu MA,Upadhyayula P,Sudhakar T,Marie T,Otten ML,Sisti MB,Bruce JN,Canoll P,Sims PA
MA1-014 was used in Immunohistochemistry to anticipate that this approach will facilitate pre-clinical studies that identify effective therapies for solid tumors.
Tue May 11 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Establishment of a New Cell Line of Canine Mammary Tumor CMT-1026.
Frontiers in veterinary science
Mei C,Xin L,Liu Y,Lin J,Xian H,Zhang X,Hu W,Xia Z,Wang H,Lyu Y
MA1-014 was used in Immunocytochemistry to describe a newly established canine cell line, CMT-1026.
Sat Oct 30 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Neddylation is critical to cortical development by regulating Wnt/β-catenin signaling.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Zhang L,Jing H,Li H,Chen W,Luo B,Zhang H,Dong Z,Li L,Su H,Xiong WC,Mei L
MA1-014 was used in Immunohistochemistry to provide evidence for an indispensable role of neddylation, a ubiquitylation-like protein modification, in inhibiting Wnt/β-catenin signaling.
Tue Oct 20 00:00:00 UTC 2020
EGF and a GSK3 Inhibitor Deplete Junctional E-cadherin and Stimulate Proliferation in the Mature Mammalian Ear.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Kozlowski MM,Rudolf MA,Corwin JT
MA1-014 was used in Immunohistochemistry to report the discovery of a pharmacological treatment that thins F-actin bands, depletes E-cadherin, and stimulates proliferation in long-quiescent supporting cells within a balance epithelium from adult mice.
Wed Mar 25 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Cancer Stem-Like Cells in a Case of an Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor of the Lung.
Frontiers in oncology
Masciale V,Grisendi G,Banchelli F,D'Amico R,Maiorana A,Sighinolfi P,Brugioni L,Stefani A,Morandi U,Dominici M,Aramini B
Published figure using SOX2 monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-014) in Immunohistochemistry
Mon Sep 28 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Scaffold-based 3D cellular models mimicking the heterogeneity of osteosarcoma stem cell niche.
Scientific reports
Bassi G,Panseri S,Dozio SM,Sandri M,Campodoni E,Dapporto M,Sprio S,Tampieri A,Montesi M
MA1-014 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunofluorescence to highlight the fundamental role of the tumour microenvironment proving the mimicry of osteosarcoma stem cell niche by the use of CSCs together with the biomimetic scaffolds, compared to conventional 2D culture systems.
Fri Dec 18 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Scaffold-based 3D cellular models mimicking the heterogeneity of osteosarcoma stem cell niche.
Scientific reports
Bassi G,Panseri S,Dozio SM,Sandri M,Campodoni E,Dapporto M,Sprio S,Tampieri A,Montesi M
MA1-014 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunofluorescence to highlight the fundamental role of the tumour microenvironment proving the mimicry of osteosarcoma stem cell niche by the use of CSCs together with the biomimetic scaffolds, compared to conventional 2D culture systems.
Fri Dec 18 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Expression of ALDH and SOX-2 in Pulmonary Sclerosing Pnemocytoma (PSP) of the Lung: Is There a Meaning Behind?
Frontiers in medicine
Aramini B,Masciale V,Manfredini B,Bianchi D,Banchelli F,D'Amico R,Bertolini F,Dominici M,Morandi U,Maiorana A
Published figure using SOX2 monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-014) in Immunohistochemistry
Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Expression of ALDH and SOX-2 in Pulmonary Sclerosing Pnemocytoma (PSP) of the Lung: Is There a Meaning Behind?
Frontiers in medicine
Aramini B,Masciale V,Manfredini B,Bianchi D,Banchelli F,D'Amico R,Bertolini F,Dominici M,Morandi U,Maiorana A
Published figure using SOX2 monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-014) in Immunohistochemistry
Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Generation of Complete Multi-Cell Type Lung Organoids From Human Embryonic and Patient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Infectious Disease Modeling and Therapeutics Validation.
Current protocols in stem cell biology
Leibel SL,McVicar RN,Winquist AM,Niles WD,Snyder EY
MA1-014 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunoflourescence to describe a system that allows human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) to differentiate and form three-dimensional (3D) structures that emulate the development, cytoarchitecture, and function of the lung ("organoids"), containing epithelial and mesenchymal cell populations, and including the production of surfactant and presence of ciliated cells.
Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Dysfunction of iPSC-derived endothelial cells in human Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome.
Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.)
Matrone G,Thandavarayan RA,Walther BK,Meng S,Mojiri A,Cooke JP
Published figure using SOX2 monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-014) in Western Blot
Tue Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Dysfunction of iPSC-derived endothelial cells in human Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome.
Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.)
Matrone G,Thandavarayan RA,Walther BK,Meng S,Mojiri A,Cooke JP
Published figure using SOX2 monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-014) in Western Blot
Tue Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Cancer stem-neuroendocrine cells in an atypical carcinoid case report.
Translational lung cancer research
Masciale V,Grisendi G,Banchelli F,D'Amico R,Maiorana A,Morandi U,Dominici M,Aramini B
Published figure using SOX2 monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-014) in Immunohistochemistry
Sun Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
MELK inhibition targets cancer stem cells through downregulation of SOX2 expression in head and neck cancer cells.
Oncology reports
Ren L,Deng B,Saloura V,Park JH,Nakamura Y
MA1-014 was used in Western Blotting to investigate if maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase serves a key role in cancer stem cells through the regulation of SRY-box 2 and maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase inhibition may also be promising for clinical applications in the treatment of HNSCC.
Mon Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
GPD1 Specifically Marks Dormant Glioma Stem Cells with a Distinct Metabolic Profile.
Cell stem cell
Rusu P,Shao C,Neuerburg A,Acikgöz AA,Wu Y,Zou P,Phapale P,Shankar TS,Döring K,Dettling S,Körkel-Qu H,Bekki G,Costa B,Guo T,Friesen O,Schlotter M,Heikenwalder M,Tschaharganeh DF,Bukau B,Kramer G,Angel P,Herold-Mende C,Radlwimmer B,Liu HK
MA1-014 was used in Immunohistochemistry to investigate an attractive therapeutic target for treating brain tumors.
Thu Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Generation of two human isogenic iPSC lines from fetal dermal fibroblasts.
Stem cell research
Tandon R,Brändl B,Baryshnikova N,Landshammer A,Steenpaß L,Keminer O,Pless O,Müller FJ
MA1-014 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunoflourescence to show that both new cell lines offer the opportunity to study basic stem cell biology and model human disease.
Sat Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Modeling Short QT Syndrome Using Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes.
Journal of the American Heart Association
El-Battrawy I,Lan H,Cyganek L,Zhao Z,Li X,Buljubasic F,Lang S,Yücel G,Sattler K,Zimmermann WH,Utikal J,Wieland T,Ravens U,Borggrefe M,Zhou XB,Akin I
MA1-014 was used in Immunocytochemistry to establish a cellular model of short QT syndrome, using human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes.
Sat Mar 24 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Conservative site-specific and single-copy transgenesis in human LINE-1 elements.
Nucleic acids research
Vijaya Chandra SH,Makhija H,Peter S,Myint Wai CM,Li J,Zhu J,Ren Z,D'Alcontres MS,Siau JW,Chee S,Ghadessy FJ,Dröge P
MA1-014 was used in western blot to discuss Phage lambda integrase as a transgenesis tool
Thu Apr 07 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Disentangling the aneuploidy and senescence paradoxes: a study of triploid breast cancers non-responsive to neoadjuvant therapy.
Histochemistry and cell biology
Gerashchenko BI,Salmina K,Eglitis J,Huna A,Grjunberga V,Erenpreisa J
MA1-014 was used in immunohistochemistry to analyze triploid breast cancers non-responsive to neoadjuvant therapy by study of aneuploidy and senescence paradoxes
Fri Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Role of stress-activated OCT4A in the cell fate decisions of embryonal carcinoma cells treated with etoposide.
Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.)
Huna A,Salmina K,Erenpreisa J,Vazquez-Martin A,Krigerts J,Inashkina I,Gerashchenko BI,Townsend PA,Cragg MS,Jackson TR
Published figure using SOX2 monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-014) in Western Blot
Wed Aug 03 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Hopx distinguishes hippocampal from lateral ventricle neural stem cells.
Stem cell research
Li D,Takeda N,Jain R,Manderfield LJ,Liu F,Li L,Anderson SA,Epstein JA
Published figure using SOX2 monoclonal antibody (Product # MA1-014) in Immunofluorescence
Sun Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015