Product References
S-Nitrosylation of the histone deacetylase HDA19 stimulates its activity to enhance plant stress tolerance in Arabidopsis.
The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology
Zheng Y,Li Z,Cui X,Yang Z,Bao C,Pan L,Liu X,Chatel-Innocenti G,Vanacker H,Noctor G,Dard A,Reichheld JP,Issakidis-Bourguet E,Zhou DX
90075 was used in Western Blot to indicate that S-nitrosylation regulates HDA19 activity and is a mechanism of redox-sensing for chromatin regulation of plant tolerance to stress.
Mon May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Hexokinase 1 cellular localization regulates the metabolic fate of glucose.
Molecular cell
De Jesus A,Keyhani-Nejad F,Pusec CM,Goodman L,Geier JA,Stoolman JS,Stanczyk PJ,Nguyen T,Xu K,Suresh KV,Chen Y,Rodriguez AE,Shapiro JS,Chang HC,Chen C,Shah KP,Ben-Sahra I,Layden BT,Chandel NS,Weinberg SE,Ardehali H
90075 was used in Western Blot to indicate that HK1 mitochondrial binding alters glucose metabolism through regulation of GAPDH.
Thu Apr 07 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Nuclear S-nitrosylation impacts tissue regeneration in zebrafish.
Nature communications
Matrone G,Jung SY,Choi JM,Jain A,Leung HE,Rajapakshe K,Coarfa C,Rodor J,Denvir MA,Baker AH,Cooke JP
90075 was used in Western Blot to provide evidence that inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNos) translocates to the nucleus during zebrafish tailfin regeneration and is associated with alterations in the nuclear S-nitrosylated proteome.
Mon Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Helicase-like transcription factor-deletion from the tumor microenvironment in a cell line-derived xenograft model of colorectal cancer reprogrammed the human transcriptome-S-nitroso-proteome to promote inflammation and redirect metastasis.
PloS one
Helmer RA,Martinez-Zaguilan R,Kaur G,Smith LA,Dufour JM,Chilton BS
90075 was used in Immunoelectrophoresis to conclude that Hltf-deletion from the TME played a major role in the pathogenesis of inflammation and linked protein S-nitrosylation in primary CDX tumors with spatiotemporal continuity in metastatic progression when the tumor cells expressed HLTF.
Wed Oct 20 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Inhibition of mitochondrial fission and iNOS in the dorsal vagal complex protects from overeating and weight gain.
Molecular metabolism
Patel B,New LE,Griffiths JC,Deuchars J,Filippi BM
90075 was used in Western Blotting to uncover new molecular and cellular targets for brain regulation of whole-body metabolism, which could inform new strategies to combat obesity and diabetes.
Fri Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) alters mitochondrial morphology and function by activating the NF-kB-DRP1 axis in hippocampal neurons.
Cell death & disease
Battaglia CR,Cursano S,Calzia E,Catanese A,Boeckers TM
90075 was used in Western Blot to investigate the direct involvement of mitochondria in the (mal)-adaptive changes induced by the activation of neuronal CRH receptors 1 (CRHR1).
Mon Nov 23 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Impact of inflammation on brain subcellular energetics in anesthetized rats.
BMC neuroscience
Thiele RH,Osuru HP,Paila U,Ikeda K,Zuo Z
90075 was used in Western Blotting to demonstrate that, after induction of inflammation, exposure to isoflurane increases hypoxia-inducible factor-1α, oxidative stress in the brain and serum lactate in rats.
Mon Jul 15 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Mechanism and catalytic strategy of the prokaryotic-specific GTP cyclohydrolase-IB.
The Biochemical journal
Paranagama N,Bonnett SA,Alvarez J,Luthra A,Stec B,Gustafson A,Iwata-Reuyl D,Swairjo MA
Published figure using TMT monoclonal antibody (Product # 90075) in Western Blot
Tue Mar 07 00:00:00 UTC 2017