Product References
Normal saline remodels the omentum and stimulates its receptivity for transcoelomic metastasis.
JCI insight
Akasaka H,Lee W,Ko SY,Lengyel E,Naora H
PA5-22688 was used in Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin) to suggest that normal saline stimulates the receptivity of the omentum for cancer cells and that the risk of colonization can be minimized by using a biocompatible crystalloid for lavage procedures.
Thu Jun 22 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Tryptophan depletion results in tryptophan-to-phenylalanine substitutants.
Pataskar A,Champagne J,Nagel R,Kenski J,Laos M,Michaux J,Pak HS,Bleijerveld OB,Mordente K,Navarro JM,Blommaert N,Nielsen MM,Lovecchio D,Stone E,Georgiou G,de Gooijer MC,van Tellingen O,Altelaar M,Joosten RP,Perrakis A,Olweus J,Bassani-Sternberg M,Peeper DS,Agami R
PA5-22688 was used in Western Blot to conclude that substitutants are generated by an alternative decoding mechanism with potential effects on gene function and tumour immunoreactivity.
Tue Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Cx43-mediated sorting of miRNAs into extracellular vesicles.
EMBO reports
Martins-Marques T,Costa MC,Catarino S,Simoes I,Aasen T,Enguita FJ,Girao H
PA5-22688 was used in Western Blot to ascribe another biological role to Cx43, that is, the selective incorporation of miRNAs into EV, which potentially modulates multiple biological processes in target cells and may have implications for human health and disease.
Tue Jul 05 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Loss of neuronal Tet2 enhances hippocampal-dependent cognitive function.
Cell reports
Pratt KJB,Shea JM,Remesal-Gomez L,Bieri G,Smith LK,Couthouis J,Chen CP,Roy IJ,Gontier G,Villeda SA
PA5-22688 was used in ELISA, Immunocytochemistry, Western Blot, Immunohistochemistry to identify neuronal Tet2 as a molecular target to boost cognitive function.
Tue Nov 08 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Anti-tumour immunity induces aberrant peptide presentation in melanoma.
Bartok O,Pataskar A,Nagel R,Laos M,Goldfarb E,Hayoun D,Levy R,Körner PR,Kreuger IZM,Champagne J,Zaal EA,Bleijerveld OB,Huang X,Kenski J,Wargo J,Brandis A,Levin Y,Mizrahi O,Alon M,Lebon S,Yang W,Nielsen MM,Stern-Ginossar N,Altelaar M,Berkers CR,Geiger T,Peeper DS,Olweus J,Samuels Y,Agami R
PA5-22688 was used in Western Blot to investigate the effects of prolonged IFNγ treatment on mRNA translation.
Mon Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Modeling plasticity and dysplasia of pancreatic ductal organoids derived from human pluripotent stem cells.
Cell stem cell
Breunig M,Merkle J,Wagner M,Melzer MK,Barth TFE,Engleitner T,Krumm J,Wiedenmann S,Cohrs CM,Perkhofer L,Jain G,Krüger J,Hermann PC,Schmid M,Madácsy T,Varga Á,Griger J,Azoitei N,Müller M,Wessely O,Robey PG,Heller S,Dantes Z,Reichert M,Günes C,Bolenz C,Kuhn F,Maléth J,Speier S,Liebau S,Sipos B,Kuster B,Seufferlein T,Rad R,Meier M,Hohwieler M,Kleger A
PA5-22688 was used in Flow Cytometry to show that PDLOs enable in vitro and in vivo studies of pancreatic plasticity, dysplasia, and cancer formation from a genetically defined background.
Thu Jun 03 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Multimodal detection of protein isoforms and nucleic acids from low starting cell numbers.
Lab on a chip
Rosàs-Canyelles E,Modzelewski AJ,Gomez Martinez AE,Geldert A,Gopal A,He L,Herr AE
PA5-22688 was used in Western Blotting to utilize microfluidic design to perform same-cell profiling of DNA, mRNA and protein isoforms (triBlot) on low starting cell numbers (1-100 s of cells).
Tue Jun 15 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Chitinase-Like Protein Ym2 (Chil4) Regulates Regeneration of the Olfactory Epithelium via Interaction with Inflammation.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Wang L,Ren W,Li X,Zhang X,Tian H,Bhattarai JP,Challis RC,Lee AC,Zhao S,Yu H,Ma M,Yu Y
PA5-22688 was used in Immunohistochemistry to reveal an important role of supporting cells in OE regeneration and provides a critical link between Ym2 and inflammation in this process.
Wed Jun 30 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Functional expression of complement factor I following AAV-mediated gene delivery in the retina of mice and human cells.
Gene therapy
Dreismann AK,McClements ME,Barnard AR,Orhan E,Hughes JP,Lachmann PJ,MacLaren RE
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Western Blot
Sat May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Functional expression of complement factor I following AAV-mediated gene delivery in the retina of mice and human cells.
Gene therapy
Dreismann AK,McClements ME,Barnard AR,Orhan E,Hughes JP,Lachmann PJ,MacLaren RE
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Western Blot
Sat May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
RAD52 Adjusts Repair of Single-Strand Breaks via Reducing DNA-Damage-Promoted XRCC1/LIG3α Co-localization.
Cell reports
Wang J,Oh YT,Li Z,Dou J,Tang S,Wang X,Wang H,Takeda S,Wang Y
PA5-22688 was used in Western Blotting to demonstrate that blocking RAD52 oligomerization that disrupts RAD52's DSBR, while retaining its ssDNA binding capacity that is required for RAD52's inhibitory effects on SSBR, sensitizes cells to different DNA-damaging agents.
Tue Jan 12 00:00:00 UTC 2021
p53-intact cancers escape tumor suppression through loss of long noncoding RNA Dino.
Cell reports
Marney CB,Anderson ES,Adnan M,Peng KL,Hu Y,Weinhold N,Schmitt AM
PA5-22688 was used in Western Blot to report that DINO, the lncRNA transcribed from the cancer-associated DINO/CDKN1A locus, suppresses tumor formation independent of p21, the protein encoded at the locus.
Tue Jun 29 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Glycogen metabolism links glucose homeostasis to thermogenesis in adipocytes.
Keinan O,Valentine JM,Xiao H,Mahata SK,Reilly SM,Abu-Odeh M,Deluca JH,Dadpey B,Cho L,Pan A,Yu RT,Dai Y,Liddle C,Downes M,Evans RM,Lusis AJ,Laakso M,Chouchani ET,Rydén M,Saltiel AR
PA5-22688 was used in Immunocytochemistry to report that the regulation of glycogen metabolism by catecholamines is critical for UCP1 expression.
Mon Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Role of ADAM10 and ADAM17 in Regulating CD137 Function.
International journal of molecular sciences
Seidel J,Leitzke S,Ahrens B,Sperrhacke M,Bhakdi S,Reiss K
PA5-22688 was used in Simple Western - Size to shed new light on the regulation of CD137/CD137L immune responses with potential impact on immunotherapeutic approaches targeting CD137.
Mon Mar 08 00:00:00 UTC 2021
AKT-dependent NOTCH3 activation drives tumor progression in a model of mesenchymal colorectal cancer.
The Journal of experimental medicine
Varga J,Nicolas A,Petrocelli V,Pesic M,Mahmoud A,Michels BE,Etlioglu E,Yepes D,Häupl B,Ziegler PK,Bankov K,Wild PJ,Wanninger S,Medyouf H,Farin HF,Tejpar S,Oellerich T,Ruland J,Siebel CW,Greten FR
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Immunohistochemistry
Mon Oct 05 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Glucose Regulates Microtubule Disassembly and the Dose of Insulin Secretion via Tau Phosphorylation.
Ho KH,Yang X,Osipovich AB,Cabrera O,Hayashi ML,Magnuson MA,Gu G,Kaverina I
PA5-22688 was used in Immunohistochemistry to demonstrate that high levels of glucose induce rapid microtubule disassembly preferentially in the periphery of individual β-cells, and this process is mediated by the phosphorylation of microtubule-associated protein tau.
Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
An ALS-linked mutation in TDP-43 disrupts normal protein interactions in the motor neuron response to oxidative stress.
Neurobiology of disease
Feneberg E,Gordon D,Thompson AG,Finelli MJ,Dafinca R,Candalija A,Charles PD,Mäger I,Wood MJ,Fischer R,Kessler BM,Gray E,Turner MR,Talbot K
PA5-22688 was used in Western Blot to elucidate the involvement of human TDP-43 in the pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Thu Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Transit Peptides From Photosynthesis-Related Proteins Mediate Import of a Marker Protein Into Different Plastid Types and Within Different Species.
Frontiers in plant science
Eseverri Á,Baysal C,Medina V,Capell T,Christou P,Rubio LM,Caro E
PA5-22688 was used in Immunohistochemistry to show that Arabidopsis photosynthesis TPs also mediate plastid import in rice callus, and in recombinant protein accumulation in plastids by the expression of nuclear-encoded transgenes.
Wed Oct 28 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Transit Peptides From Photosynthesis-Related Proteins Mediate Import of a Marker Protein Into Different Plastid Types and Within Different Species.
Frontiers in plant science
Eseverri Á,Baysal C,Medina V,Capell T,Christou P,Rubio LM,Caro E
PA5-22688 was used in Immunohistochemistry to show that Arabidopsis photosynthesis TPs also mediate plastid import in rice callus, and in recombinant protein accumulation in plastids by the expression of nuclear-encoded transgenes.
Wed Oct 28 00:00:00 UTC 2020
EHD1 and RUSC2 Control Basal Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Cell Surface Expression and Recycling.
Molecular and cellular biology
Tom EC,Mushtaq I,Mohapatra BC,Luan H,Bhat AM,Zutshi N,Chakraborty S,Islam N,Arya P,Bielecki TA,Iseka FM,Bhattacharyya S,Cypher LR,Goetz BT,Negi SK,Storck MD,Rana S,Barnekow A,Singh PK,Ying G,Guda C,Natarajan A,Band V,Band H
PA5-22688 was used in Western Blot to identify a novel role of the endocytic regulator EHD1 and a potential EHD1 partner, RUSC2, in cell surface display of EGFR.
Mon Mar 16 00:00:00 UTC 2020
ERK Regulates NeuroD1-mediated Neurite Outgrowth via Proteasomal Degradation.
Experimental neurobiology
Lee TY,Cho IS,Bashyal N,Naya FJ,Tsai MJ,Yoon JS,Choi JM,Park CH,Kim SS,Suh-Kim H
PA5-22688 was used in Immunocytochemistry to provide evidence to indicate that a longer protein half-life enhanced the overall activity of NeuroD1 in stimulating downstream genes and neuronal differentiation.
Tue Jun 30 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Brain-synthesized oestrogens regulate cortical migration in a sexually divergent manner.
The European journal of neuroscience
Sellers KJ,Denley MCS,Saito A,Foster EM,Salgarella I,Delogu A,Kamiya A,Srivastava DP
PA5-22688 was used in Western Blot to investigate the impact of knockdown expression of Cyp19a1, which encodes aromatase, between embryonic day (E) 14.5 and postnatal day 0 (P0) had on neural migration within the cortex.
Wed Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Recognition motifs rather than phylogenetic origin influence the ability of targeting peptides to import nuclear-encoded recombinant proteins into rice mitochondria.
Transgenic research
Baysal C,Pérez-González A,Eseverri Á,Jiang X,Medina V,Caro E,Rubio L,Christou P,Zhu C
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Immunomicroscopy
Sat Feb 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Concurrent Mutations in STK11 and KEAP1 Promote Ferroptosis Protection and SCD1 Dependence in Lung Cancer.
Cell reports
Wohlhieter CA,Richards AL,Uddin F,Hulton CH,Quintanal-Villalonga À,Martin A,de Stanchina E,Bhanot U,Asher M,Shah NS,Hayatt O,Buonocore DJ,Rekhtman N,Shen R,Arbour KC,Donoghue M,Poirier JT,Sen T,Rudin CM
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Western Blot
Tue Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Snail promotes the generation of vascular endothelium by breast cancer cells.
Cell death & disease
Chang Z,Zhang Y,Liu J,Zheng Y,Li H,Kong Y,Li P,Peng H,Shi Y,Cao B,Ran F,Chen Y,Song Y,Ye Q,Ding L
PA5-22688 was used in Immunocytochemistry-immunofluorescence to report a new and unexpected function of Snail in endothelium generation by breast cancer cells.
Mon Jun 15 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Facile Cholesterol Loading with a New Probe ezFlux Allows for Streamlined Cholesterol Efflux Assays.
ACS omega
Ravodina AM,Badgeley MA,Rajagopalan S,Fedyukina DV,Maiseyeu A
PA5-22688 was used in Western Blotting to test the potential of ezFlux as an alternative to semi-synthetic acLDL for cholesterol loading in cholesterol efflux assays.
Tue Sep 15 00:00:00 UTC 2020
The Reprimo-Like Gene Is an Epigenetic-Mediated Tumor Suppressor and a Candidate Biomarker for the Non-Invasive Detection of Gastric Cancer.
International journal of molecular sciences
Alarcón MA,Olivares W,Córdova-Delgado M,Muñoz-Medel M,de Mayo T,Carrasco-Aviño G,Wichmann I,Landeros N,Amigo J,Norero E,Villarroel-Espíndola F,Riquelme A,Garrido M,Owen GI,Corvalán AH
PA5-22688 was used in Western Blotting to evaluate the role of RPRML and whether its regulation by DNA methylation is a potential non-invasive biomarker of gastric cancer.
Sat Dec 12 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Probe-target hybridization depends on spatial uniformity of initial concentration condition across large-format chips.
Scientific reports
Geldert A,Huang H,Herr AE
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Protein Assays and Analysis
Fri May 29 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Long noncoding RNA NEXN-AS1 mitigates atherosclerosis by regulating the actin-binding protein NEXN.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Hu YW,Guo FX,Xu YJ,Li P,Lu ZF,McVey DG,Zheng L,Wang Q,Ye JH,Kang CM,Wu SG,Zhao JJ,Ma X,Yang Z,Fang FC,Qiu YR,Xu BM,Xiao L,Wu Q,Wu LM,Ding L,Webb TR,Samani NJ,Ye S
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Western Blot
Fri Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
A glycan shield on chimpanzee CD4 protects against infection by primate lentiviruses (HIV/SIV).
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Warren CJ,Meyerson NR,Stabell AC,Fattor WT,Wilkerson GK,Sawyer SL
PA5-22688 was used in Western Blotting to survey the sequence and function of CD4 in 50 chimpanzee individuals.
Tue Jun 04 00:00:00 UTC 2019
PTCD1 Is Required for Mitochondrial Oxidative-Phosphorylation: Possible Genetic Association with Alzheimer's Disease.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Fleck D,Phu L,Verschueren E,Hinkle T,Reichelt M,Bhangale T,Haley B,Wang Y,Graham R,Kirkpatrick DS,Sheng M,Bingol B
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Western Blot
Wed Jun 12 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Accelerated degradation of cFLIPL and sensitization of the TRAIL DISC-mediated apoptotic cascade by pinoresinol, a lignan isolated from Rubia philippinensis.
Scientific reports
Lee SR,Quan KT,Byun HS,Park I,Kang K,Piao X,Ju E,Ro H,Na M,Hur GM
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Western Blot
Wed Sep 18 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Panax Notoginseng Saponins Protect Cardiac Myocytes Against Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Associated Apoptosis Through Mediation of Intracellular Calcium Homeostasis.
Frontiers in pharmacology
Chen J,Xue R,Li L,Xiao LL,Shangguan J,Zhang W,Bai X,Liu G,Li L
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Immunocytochemistry
Wed Sep 30 00:00:00 UTC 2020
A 3D bioprinter platform for mechanistic analysis of tumoroids and chimeric mammary organoids.
Scientific reports
Reid JA,Palmer XL,Mollica PA,Northam N,Sachs PC,Bruno RD
PA5-22688 was used in Immunohistochemistry-immunofluorescence to demonstrate the capacity of our 3D bioprinting platform to study tumorigenesis and microenvironmental control of breast cancer and highlight a novel mechanistic insight into the process of microenvironmental control of cancer.
Thu May 16 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Dominant-negative ATF5 rapidly depletes survivin in tumor cells.
Cell death & disease
Sun X,Angelastro JM,Merino D,Zhou Q,Siegelin MD,Greene LA
PA5-22688 was used in Immunocytochemistry to indicates that dn-ATF5 kills malignant cells by multiple mechanisms that include, but are not limited to, survivin depletion.
Tue Sep 24 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Microtubule-Driven Stress Granule Dynamics Regulate Inhibitory Immune Checkpoint Expression in T Cells.
Cell reports
Franchini DM,Lanvin O,Tosolini M,Patras de Campaigno E,Cammas A,Péricart S,Scarlata CM,Lebras M,Rossi C,Ligat L,Pont F,Arimondo PB,Laurent C,Ayyoub M,Despas F,Lapeyre-Mestre M,Millevoi S,Fournié JJ
PA5-22688 was used in Western Blotting to study the mechanisms controlling inhibitory immune checkpoint receptors in cancer.
Wed Jan 02 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Fatty acid synthase mediates EGFR palmitoylation in EGFR mutated non-small cell lung cancer.
EMBO molecular medicine
Ali A,Levantini E,Teo JT,Goggi J,Clohessy JG,Wu CS,Chen L,Yang H,Krishnan I,Kocher O,Zhang J,Soo RA,Bhakoo K,Chin TM,Tenen DG
PA5-22688 was used in Western Blotting to describe a novel oncogenic signalling pathway exclusively acting in mutated epidermal growth factor receptor non-small cell lung cancer with acquired tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistance.
Thu Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Predominant Golgi Residency of the Plant K/HDEL Receptor Is Essential for Its Function in Mediating ER Retention.
The Plant cell
Silva-Alvim FAL,An J,Alvim JC,Foresti O,Grippa A,Pelgrom A,Adams TL,Hawes C,Denecke J
PA5-22688 was used in Western Blotting to show that ERD2 is exclusively detected at the Golgi apparatus, unlike nonfunctional C-terminal fusions, which also label the ER.
Sat Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Noninvasive delivery of an α-synuclein gene silencing vector with magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound.
Movement disorders : official journal of the Movement Disorder Society
Xhima K,Nabbouh F,Hynynen K,Aubert I,Tandon A
PA5-22688 was used in Immunohistochemistry-immunofluorescence to demonstrate that magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound can effectively, noninvasively, and simultaneously deliver viral vectors targeting α-synuclein to multiple brain areas.
Mon Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Monoallelic and biallelic CREB3L1 variant causes mild and severe osteogenesis imperfecta, respectively.
Genetics in medicine : official journal of the American College of Medical Genetics
Keller RB,Tran TT,Pyott SM,Pepin MG,Savarirayan R,McGillivray G,Nickerson DA,Bamshad MJ,Byers PH
PA5-22688 was used in Western Blotting to assess the pathogenic mechanism of a cyclic AMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 1 mutant in the development of osteogenesis imperfecta.
Sun Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Slfn2 Regulates Type I Interferon Responses by Modulating the NF-κB Pathway.
Molecular and cellular biology
Fischietti M,Arslan AD,Sassano A,Saleiro D,Majchrzak-Kita B,Ebine K,Munshi HG,Fish EN,Platanias LC
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Immunoprecipitation
Wed Aug 15 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Slfn2 Regulates Type I Interferon Responses by Modulating the NF-κB Pathway.
Molecular and cellular biology
Fischietti M,Arslan AD,Sassano A,Saleiro D,Majchrzak-Kita B,Ebine K,Munshi HG,Fish EN,Platanias LC
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Immunoprecipitation
Wed Aug 15 00:00:00 UTC 2018
A subclass of serum anti-ZnT8 antibodies directed to the surface of live pancreatic β-cells.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Merriman C,Huang Q,Gu W,Yu L,Fu D
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Western Blot
Fri Jan 12 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Melanoma response to anti-PD-L1 immunotherapy requires JAK1 signaling, but not JAK2.
Luo N,Formisano L,Gonzalez-Ericsson PI,Sanchez V,Dean PT,Opalenik SR,Sanders ME,Cook RS,Arteaga CL,Johnson DB,Balko JM
PA5-22688 was used in Immunohistochemistry to examine the specific roles of individual JAK/STAT pathway members on the IFN-γ response.
Thu Feb 23 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Angiopoietin-1 is required for Schlemm's canal development in mice and humans.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Thomson BR,Souma T,Tompson SW,Onay T,Kizhatil K,Siggs OM,Feng L,Whisenhunt KN,Yanovitch TL,Kalaydjieva L,Azmanov DN,Finzi S,Tanna CE,Hewitt AW,Mackey DA,Bradfield YS,Souzeau E,Javadiyan S,Wiggs JL,Pasutto F,Liu X,John SW,Craig JE,Jin J,Young TL,Quaggin SE
PA5-22688 was used in Immunohistochemistry on frozen tissues to describe roles for the major angiopoietin ligands in the development of the aqueous outflow pathway.
Fri Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Migrating Interneurons Secrete Fractalkine to Promote Oligodendrocyte Formation in the Developing Mammalian Brain.
Voronova A,Yuzwa SA,Wang BS,Zahr S,Syal C,Wang J,Kaplan DR,Miller FD
PA5-22688 was used in Immunocytochemistry to demonstrate that interneurons act in a paracrine fashion to promote the developmental genesis of oligodendrocytes.
Wed May 03 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase Activity Maintains Acinar-to-Ductal Metaplasia and Is Required for Organ Regeneration in Pancreatitis.
Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology
Halbrook CJ,Wen HJ,Ruggeri JM,Takeuchi KK,Zhang Y,di Magliano MP,Crawford HC
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Immunohistochemistry
Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Kinase Activity Maintains Acinar-to-Ductal Metaplasia and Is Required for Organ Regeneration in Pancreatitis.
Cellular and molecular gastroenterology and hepatology
Halbrook CJ,Wen HJ,Ruggeri JM,Takeuchi KK,Zhang Y,di Magliano MP,Crawford HC
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Immunohistochemistry
Sun Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
High-selectivity cytology via lab-on-a-disc western blotting of individual cells.
Lab on a chip
Kim JJ,Sinkala E,Herr AE
PA5-22688 was used in Western Blotting to design a multi-stage assay that integrates cell handling and subsequent single-cell western blotting for high-selectivity cytology.
Tue Feb 28 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Subcellular western blotting of single cells.
Microsystems & nanoengineering
Yamauchi KA,Herr AE
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Western Blot
Wed Sep 30 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Subcellular western blotting of single cells.
Microsystems & nanoengineering
Yamauchi KA,Herr AE
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Western Blot
Wed Sep 30 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Pdxdc1 modulates prepulse inhibition of acoustic startle in the mouse.
Translational psychiatry
Feldcamp LA,Boutros PC,Raymond R,Fletcher PJ,Nobrega JN,Wong AHC
PA5-22688 was used in Immunohistochemistry to identify novel potential treatment targets for schizophrenia.
Tue May 09 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Detection of Isoforms Differing by a Single Charge Unit in Individual Cells.
Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English)
Tentori AM,Yamauchi KA,Herr AE
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Western Blot
Mon Sep 26 00:00:00 UTC 2016
DNA damage induces GDNF secretion in the tumor microenvironment with paracrine effects promoting prostate cancer treatment resistance.
Huber RM,Lucas JM,Gomez-Sarosi LA,Coleman I,Zhao S,Coleman R,Nelson PS
Published figure using TurboGFP polyclonal antibody (Product # PA5-22688) in Western Blot
Tue Feb 10 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Early embryonic-like cells are induced by downregulating replication-dependent chromatin assembly.
Nature structural & molecular biology
Ishiuchi T,Enriquez-Gasca R,Mizutani E,Bošković A,Ziegler-Birling C,Rodriguez-Terrones D,Wakayama T,Vaquerizas JM,Torres-Padilla ME
PA5-22688 was used in immunocytochemistry to investigate how early embryonic-like cells are promoted by downregulating replication-dependent chromatin assembly
Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Cytocidal activities of topoisomerase 1 inhibitors and 5-azacytidine against pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma cells in primary human tumor cultures and mouse cell lines.
PloS one
Powers JF,Korgaonkar PG,Fliedner S,Giubellino A,Pacak K,Sahagian GG,Tischler AS
PA5-22688 was used in western blot to study the therapeutic potential of topoisomerase inhibitors and 5-azacytidine aginst metastatic pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma
Fri May 22 00:00:00 UTC 2015