“小小科学家” 是赛默飞联手中国青少年发展基金会自2015年发起的一项科学启蒙公益项目,迄今为止已经连续举办四年。该项目针对目前中国农村小学的科学教育中呈现的“缺老师、缺课程、缺教材”的现象,创新性地引入了“扶贫”转为“扶智”的前瞻理念。



Thermo Fisher brightens tomorrow.

“Within the child lies the fate of future”

Ever since 2015, as the leading company in serving science and the society, Thermo Fisher has been committed to change the lives of others, by launching “Little Scientist” with China’s Youth Development Fund (CYDF). The “Little Scientist” program addresses issues of education inequality in impoverished areas, concerning inadequate teachers, less-developed curriculums and lack of teaching materials. Thermo Fisher decides to improve human capital rather than simply providing financial aids in order to benefit these children with a bright future ahead.

Together with CYDF, Thermo Fisher designed a unique “Science Box” which contains 10 small experiments that motivate elementary school participants to discover ‘science’ in daily life. After experiencing the magical “Science Box”, children are inspired to learn science subjects, dedicate time to innovation and choose to become scientists in the future.

In 2018, our “Little Scientist” program expands into a comprehensive “Thermo Fisher Science Day”. On the fist “Thermo Fisher Science Day”, our “Little Scientist” project took place at 8 schools in 7 cities, symbolizing a milestone of Thermo Fisher Corporate Social Responsibility. As of now, there were 5,000 volunteers engaged, 118,000 students benefited, and totally 25,000 science box donated. We are excited to continue making contributions to the world and we believe we will do better.

Without doubt, we’re always seeking dedicated people with the desire, skills and knowledge to become a member of our enthusiastic family. If you wish to serve in our Science Day - or if you cannot volunteer but wish to support the program – please click this link complete the form as required by scanning the barcode at your earliest convenience. Please come and JOIN US!
