Electron microscope training

Research is becoming increasingly interconnected and digital, leading to more collaborations and faster scientific discovery. This accelerated pace puts pressure on engineers and researchers to quickly learn the latest technology and instrumentation, a process that is still largely hands-on.

Remote training provides a number of advantages over traditional, on-site training by:

  • Enabling more flexible arrangements
  • Getting trained from an Application Scientist from any NanoPort around the globe 
  • Handling more attendees at once 
  • Offering targeted teaching content 
  • Making it easier to record training videos 


“Normally, when training, you sit with two or three people in a small room, leaning over each other to see what the trainer is doing at the console. Instead, we had a three day training session with 27 people, with the microscope in Texas, and the trainer in Oregon. For three days, we worked as a team, and we were all listening and watching what was going on. […] [For the training] I was in Virginia, the microscope was in Texas, and Dustin's in Oregon. And it doesn't matter. I mean, you could have people on the moon, as long as they have a good internet plan." – Edwin L. Thomas, PhD, Texas A&M University, USA


Edwin L. Thomas, PhD on Remote Application Training with Thermo Fisher Scientific

On-site training for new instrumentation can be time-consuming, and the training needs of each facility and lab can vary greatly. To address these difficulties, we have developed a new Remote Application Training program to bring our best application scientists and training material to you, no matter where you are in the world.

While on-site training is still valuable, it serves different needs than remote training, and the best approach is to use a mix of both. Beyond simply enhancing on-site training, remote sessions can improve your autonomy and proficiency in a timely manner, as they are unimpacted by mobility, travel, and laboratory-space restriction. With Remote Application Training, we are hoping to bring you one step closer to a truly global, collaborative environment where scientists can learn and exchange ideas from anywhere, at any time.

Start your own training plan by using the contact information below.

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