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Thermo Scientific™ Axia ChemiSEM™是一款开创性的产品,它重新定义了扫描电镜的操作流程。它利用集成式能谱仪(EDS)和专利的算法将成像和成分分析这两个原本独立的流程整合在一起;全彩导航相机让您寻找样品更加便捷;无需镀膜,荷电样品即可在低真空模式下实现高质量成像;更多自动化功能让您的扫描电镜表征工作成为一种更加简单、高效、流畅、愉悦的体验。
Axia ChemiSEM与传统的扫描电镜不同,作为分析型高通量扫描电镜,它的EDS集成在仪器上,并在电镜工作时始终在后台收集成分数据。它使用专利的算法同时处理BSE(背散射电子)和EDS信号,从而可以实时显示样品的形态和定量元素结果。
Axia ChemiSEM兼容多种自动化扩展应用,如标配的Thermo Scientific Maps™ 软件,可实现无人值守的自动拍图和大尺寸图像拼接;Thermo Scientific AutoScript™ 软件配合开放的API接口和丰富的现成脚本库,让您轻松成为电镜达人。
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Meet the new Axia ChemiSEM: a SEM EDS instrument that is flexible, easy to use, and offers instantaneous, quantitative elemental analysis.
Axia is always ready to image with an autofocus routine that is easier and quicker than ever. It comes with the ability to focus on the feature of choice with a simple click.
Reliable quantification can be obtained directly from the live image using a choice of standard EDS functions (region/point ID/line scan).
With Axia ChemiSEM, quantitative elemental information is provided through colors in the image. Moreover, a tooltip shows the relative concentrations of the sample constituents, making it the quickest way to obtain composition information during live
Axia ChemiSEM provides live quantitative compositional information during routine SEM navigation and imaging, two times faster compared to traditional SEMs. With the possibility to easily select and unselect the elements of interest, you can focus on
Reliable quantification can be obtained directly from the live image using a choice of standard EDS functions (region/point ID/line scan).
Conventional EDS functions are available in a state-of-the-art implementation, such as gross counts mapping, which allows to post-process your data by selecting, for each element, the energy line used to generate the elemental map.
Axia ChemiSEM provides live compositional information during routine SEM navigation and imaging. The tooltip shows the relative concentrations of the sample constituents, making it the quickest way to obtain composition information during live imagin
Reliable quantitative information of a specific point or region of interest can be obtained using traditional EDS functions, directly on the SEM image. Multi-point analysis allows for easy comparison of different features on the sample.
With Axia ChemiSEM, elemental analysis is always on, so that compositional information is never more than a mouse click away. Conventional EDS functions operate directly on the image without intermediate steps.
Carlos Angeles Chavez from the Mexican Petroleum Institute comments on his first impressions of his live demo with the Thermo Scientific Prisma E SEM with ChemiSEM technology.
Lifeng Dong from Hamline University comments on his first impressions of his live demo with the Thermo Scientific™ Prisma E SEM with ChemiSEM technology.
Cedric Barroo from the Universite Libre de Bruxelles comments on his first impressions of his live demo with the Thermo Scientific Prisma E SEM with ChemiSEM technology.
Dennis and Marina Manuel comment on the time saving and productivity benefits that they experienced in their live demonstration of the Thermo Scientific Prisma with ChemiSEM Technology.
下载电子书《工业中的 SEM 和 EDS 分析》(SEM and EDS Analysis in Industry)了解更多有关以下内容的信息:
Meet the new Axia ChemiSEM: a SEM EDS instrument that is flexible, easy to use, and offers instantaneous, quantitative elemental analysis.
Axia is always ready to image with an autofocus routine that is easier and quicker than ever. It comes with the ability to focus on the feature of choice with a simple click.
Reliable quantification can be obtained directly from the live image using a choice of standard EDS functions (region/point ID/line scan).
With Axia ChemiSEM, quantitative elemental information is provided through colors in the image. Moreover, a tooltip shows the relative concentrations of the sample constituents, making it the quickest way to obtain composition information during live
Axia ChemiSEM provides live quantitative compositional information during routine SEM navigation and imaging, two times faster compared to traditional SEMs. With the possibility to easily select and unselect the elements of interest, you can focus on
Reliable quantification can be obtained directly from the live image using a choice of standard EDS functions (region/point ID/line scan).
Conventional EDS functions are available in a state-of-the-art implementation, such as gross counts mapping, which allows to post-process your data by selecting, for each element, the energy line used to generate the elemental map.
Axia ChemiSEM provides live compositional information during routine SEM navigation and imaging. The tooltip shows the relative concentrations of the sample constituents, making it the quickest way to obtain composition information during live imagin
Reliable quantitative information of a specific point or region of interest can be obtained using traditional EDS functions, directly on the SEM image. Multi-point analysis allows for easy comparison of different features on the sample.
With Axia ChemiSEM, elemental analysis is always on, so that compositional information is never more than a mouse click away. Conventional EDS functions operate directly on the image without intermediate steps.
Carlos Angeles Chavez from the Mexican Petroleum Institute comments on his first impressions of his live demo with the Thermo Scientific Prisma E SEM with ChemiSEM technology.
Lifeng Dong from Hamline University comments on his first impressions of his live demo with the Thermo Scientific™ Prisma E SEM with ChemiSEM technology.
Cedric Barroo from the Universite Libre de Bruxelles comments on his first impressions of his live demo with the Thermo Scientific Prisma E SEM with ChemiSEM technology.
Dennis and Marina Manuel comment on the time saving and productivity benefits that they experienced in their live demonstration of the Thermo Scientific Prisma with ChemiSEM Technology.
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