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UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy is a popular technique for quality assurance and quality control in the food industry. While QA/QC testing of simple products like food dyes can be straightforward, how can successful analysis of more challenging complex food products be achieved?
When multiple components including absorbers are present in a sample, the highly versatile and non-destructive technique of UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy is a powerful and reliable method for quantitative analysis. This webinar will demonstrate the application of UV-Vis spectroscopy in food analysis and also provide best practices to maximize the efficiency and accuracy of this technique.
Jennifer Empey-Kohl, PhD, is an Application Scientist with Thermo Fisher Scientific where she develops application notes and provides support for the cuvette-based UV-Visible instruments. Prior to this position, she received her PhD in Chemistry from The Ohio State University where she used various steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopic techniques to study colloidal nanoparticles.