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Chromatin Immunoprecipiation (ChIP) was performed using Anti-FOXO4 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody (Product # 720154, 3 µg/ml) on sheared chromatin from 2 million Jurkat cells serum starved for 24 hours using the "MAGnify ChIP system" kit (Product # 49-2024). Normal Rabbit IgG was used as a negative IP control. The purified DNA was analyzed by 7500 Fast qPCR system (Product # 4351106) with optimized PCR primer pairs for the promoters of the active MNSOD, MMP9 region used as positive control target gene, and the region of the inactive SAT2 satellite repeat, used as negative control target gene. Data is presented as fold enrichment of the antibody signal versus the negative control IgG using the comparative CT method.