Capillaries in the hippocampal region of a mouse brain cryosection.

Capillaries in the hippocampal region of a mouse brain cryosection were visualized with the green-fluorescent Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate of lectin HPA from Helix pomatia (Cat. No. L11271), which specifically binds to type A erythrocytes and a-N-acetylgalactosaminyl residues. The nuclei were counterstained with nuclear yellow (Cat. No. N21485). The multiple-exposure image was acquired using a DAPI longpass filter set and a filter set appropriate for fluorescein.

Capillaries in the hippocampal region of a mouse brain cryosection were visualized with the green-fluorescent Alexa Fluor® 488 conjugate of lectin HPA from <i>Helix pomatia</i> (Cat. No. L11271), which specifically binds to type A erythrocytes and a-<i>N</i>-acetylgalactosaminyl residues. The nuclei were counterstained with nuclear yellow (Cat. No. N21485). The multiple-exposure image was acquired using a DAPI longpass filter set and a filter set appropriate for fluorescein.

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货号 产品名称 规格 单价 (CNY) 数量
L11271 Lectin HPA From Helix pomatia (edible snail), Alexa Fluor™ 488 Conjugate Each



截止至: 2025/12/31

N21485 Nuclear Yellow (Hoechst S769121, trihydrochloride, trihydrate) 10 mg

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