Thermo Scientific™

Azide Blood Agar Base (Dehydrated)

Catalog number: CM0259B
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Thermo Scientific™

Azide Blood Agar Base (Dehydrated)

Catalog number: CM0259B
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Detect and isolate streptococci and staphylococci from feces, sewage and other specimens containing mixed flora with selective Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ Azide Blood Agar Base (Dehydrated). With added blood the medium may be used for the determination of hemolytic reactions.

Catalog Number
Unit Size
500 g
Price (CNY)
Full specifications
DescriptionAzide Blood Agar Base
Product TypeAgar
Quantity500 g
YieldFor 16.7L medium
Unit SizeEach
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Catalog NumberSpecificationsUnit SizeQuantityPrice (CNY)
CM0259BFull specifications
Each500 gRequest A Quote
DescriptionAzide Blood Agar Base
Product TypeAgar
Quantity500 g
YieldFor 16.7L medium
Unit SizeEach
Showing 1 of 1

Use Azide Blood Agar Base for detection and isolation of streptococci and staphylococci from feces, sewage and other specimens containing mixed flora.

  • Selective: sodium azide in the medium has a bacteriostatic effect on most Gram-negative organisms but permits growth of Gram-positive organisms such as streptococci and some strains of staphylococci. Proteus species are slightly more resistant than other Enterobacteriaceae but swarming is prevented (Snyder and Lichstein1, Lichstein2 and Snyder3).
  • Recommended by the American Public Health Association4 for the isolation of streptococci from cheese.
  • Can be used for the simultaneous determination of hemolytic reactions.

There are variations in formula of Azide Blood Agar Base which have been recommended for different purposes:

  1. Packer5 increased the sodium azide concentration to 0.9g per litre and added 0.002g per litre of crystal violet. The pH was also adjusted to 6.8 ± 0.1. This is a more selective medium for fecal streptococci in foods6.
  2. Packer5 and Wood7 used the above formulation with 5% blood and crystal violet increased at 0.01g per litre, for the isolation of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae and Streptococcus pneumoniae.
  3. Dale8 and Bohm9 recommended the addition of phenol (1.0 to 2.5g per litre) to Packer's formulation to isolate Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae.

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Remel™ and Oxoid™ products are now part of the Thermo Scientific brand

For Laboratory Use Only

1. Edwards S. J. (1933) J. Comp. Path. Therap. 46(4) 211-217.
2. Snydar M. L. and Lichstein H. C. (1940) J. Infect. Dis. 67(2) 113-115.
3. Lichstein H. C. and Snyder M. L. (1941) J. Bact. 42(5) 653-664.
4. American Public Health Association (1978) Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products. 14th Edn. APHA Inc. New York.
5. Packer R. A. (1943) J. Bact. 46. 343-349.
6. Mossel D. A. A., Diepen H. M. J. van and De Bruin A. S. (1957) J. Appl. Bact. 20(2) 265-272.
7. Wood R. L. (1965) Amer. J. Vet. Res. 26. 1303-1308.
8. Dale C. N. (1940) J. Bact. 40. 228-231.
9. Bohm K. H. (1971) Zbl. Bakt. I. Orig. 218. 330-334.


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