Product References
Light and electron microscopy continuum-resolution imaging of 3D cell cultures.
Developmental cell
D'Imprima E,Garcia Montero M,Gawrzak S,Ronchi P,Zagoriy I,Schwab Y,Jechlinger M,Mahamid J
GMP100-15 was used in Cell Culture to demonstrate this workflow on mouse and human 3D cultures and use automated image segmentation to annotate and quantitatively analyze subcellular structures in patient-derived colorectal cancer organoids.
Mon Apr 10 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Programming inactive RNA-binding small molecules into bioactive degraders.
Tong Y,Lee Y,Liu X,Childs-Disney JL,Suresh BM,Benhamou RI,Yang C,Li W,Costales MG,Haniff HS,Sievers S,Abegg D,Wegner T,Paulisch TO,Lekah E,Grefe M,Crynen G,Van Meter M,Wang T,Gibaut QMR,Cleveland JL,Adibekian A,Glorius F,Waldmann H,Disney MD
GMP100-15 was used in Cell Culture to provide a proof of concept, designing selective degraders for the precursor to the disease-associated microRNA-155 (pre-miR-155), JUN mRNA and MYC mRNA.
Thu Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
Therapeutic targeting of the USP2-E2F4 axis inhibits autophagic machinery essential for zinc homeostasis in cancer progression.
Xiao W,Wang J,Wang X,Cai S,Guo Y,Ye L,Li D,Hu A,Jin S,Yuan B,Zhou Y,Li Q,Tong Q,Zheng L
GMP100-15 was used in Cell Culture to indicate that therapeutic targeting of the ubiquitin specific peptidase 2-E2F transcription factor 4 axis inhibits autophagic machinery essential for zinc homeostasis in cancer progression.
Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Nuclear stabilization of p53 requires a functional nucleolar surveillance pathway.
Cell reports
Hannan KM,Soo P,Wong MS,Lee JK,Hein N,Poh P,Wysoke KD,Williams TD,Montellese C,Smith LK,Al-Obaidi SJ,Núñez-Villacís L,Pavy M,He JS,Parsons KM,Loring KE,Morrison T,Diesch J,Burgio G,Ferreira R,Feng ZP,Gould CM,Madhamshettiwar PB,Flygare J,Gonda TJ,Simpson KJ,Kutay U,Pearson RB,Engel C,Watkins NJ,Hannan RD,George AJ
GMP100-15 was used in Cell Culture to demonstrate the ribosome biogenesis axis as the most potent class of genes whose disruption stabilizes p53.
Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2022
Architectural control of metabolic plasticity in epithelial cancer cells.
Communications biology
Al-Masri M,Paliotti K,Tran R,Halaoui R,Lelarge V,Chatterjee S,Wang LT,Moraes C,McCaffrey L
Fri Mar 19 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Architectural control of metabolic plasticity in epithelial cancer cells.
Communications biology
Al-Masri M,Paliotti K,Tran R,Halaoui R,Lelarge V,Chatterjee S,Wang LT,Moraes C,McCaffrey L
Fri Mar 19 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Hypoxia-induced myeloid derived growth factor promotes hepatocellular carcinoma progression through remodeling tumor microenvironment.
Wang X,Mao J,Zhou T,Chen X,Tu H,Ma J,Li Y,Ding Y,Yang Y,Wu H,Tang X
GMP100-15 was used in Cell Culture to study whether myeloid derived growth factor (MYDGF) could accelerate the progression of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and how it works to show that MYDGF could directly affect the self-renewal of liver cells, and indirectly aggravate the inflammatory microenvironment to accelerate the progression of HCC.
Thu Aug 05 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Visfatin Enhances Breast Cancer Progression through CXCL1 Induction in Tumor-Associated Macrophages.
Wang YY,Chen HD,Lo S,Chen YK,Huang YC,Hu SC,Hsieh YC,Hung AC,Hou MF,Yuan SF
GMP100-15 was used in cell culture experiments to demonstrate that visfatin enhanced breast cancer progression via pERK/CXCL1 induction in macrophages.
Thu Nov 26 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Bromodomain inhibitor jq1 induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis of glioma stem cells through the VEGF/PI3K/AKT signaling pathway.
International journal of oncology
Wen N,Guo B,Zheng H,Xu L,Liang H,Wang Q,Wang D,Chen X,Zhang S,Li Y,Zhang L
GMP100-15 was used in Cell Culture to explore the underlying mechanisms of the anti-tumour effects of Brd4 and the bromodomain inhibitor JQ1 on glioma stem cells.
Tue Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Endoplasmic reticulum stress disrupts lysosomal homeostasis and induces blockade of autophagic flux in human trophoblasts.
Scientific reports
Nakashima A,Cheng SB,Kusabiraki T,Motomura K,Aoki A,Ushijima A,Ono Y,Tsuda S,Shima T,Yoshino O,Sago H,Matsumoto K,Sharma S,Saito S
GMP100-15 was used in Cell Culture to show that ER stress reduces the number of lysosomes, resulting in inhibition of autophagic flux in trophoblast cells.
Wed Aug 07 00:00:00 UTC 2019