标准 PCR 产品

标准 PCR 产品

多种试剂、试剂盒和缓冲液,适用于标准、直接、热启动、长程和高保真聚合酶链式反应 (pcr) 过程和操作。
产品 (149)
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149 Products
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PCR 超混液 Invitrogen™
PCR SuperMix is a ready-to-use mixture of DNA polymerase, salts, magnesium, and dNTPs for efficient PCR amplification. Simply add template and primers, reducing set-up time by half. PCR SuperMix contains Mg2+, dNTPs, and recombinant Taq DNA Polymerase at concentrations sufficient for routine PCR of...
PCR 预混液 (2X) Thermo Scientific™
在广泛的 Mg2+ 浓度范围内,从人基因组 DNA 扩增出一个 950 bp 的单拷贝基因。 M - GeneRuler 100 bp Plus DNA 分子量标准 Taq DNA 聚合酶是高度耐热性 DNA 聚合酶,来自嗜热细菌水生栖热菌。该聚合酶可催化 DNA 的 5'→3' 合成,没有可检出的 3'→5' 核酸外切酶(校正性)活性,并且具有低水平的 5'→3' 核酸外切酶活性。此外,Taq DNA 聚合酶还具有脱氧核苷酸转移酶活性,通常会导致 PCR 产物的 3'-末端增加额外的腺嘌呤。重组 Taq DNA 聚合酶是 5 kb 或更短模板的标准 PCR 的理想工具。 PCR 预混液是含有...
Platinum Taq DNA Polymerase, High Fidelity, is ideal for amplification of DNA fragments when high yields and robust amplification are required. High fidelity is provided by a mixture of Platinum Taq DNA Polymerase and the proofreading enzyme.
Thermo Scientific DreamTaq Hot Start DNA Polymerase, available in colorless and green formats, is an enhanced hot start Taq DNA polymerase that enables higher PCR specificity, sensitivity, and yields compared to conventional hot start Taq DNA polymerases.
Invitrogen Platinum II Taq Hot-Start DNA Polymerase is designed for universal primer annealing and fast, easy PCR with its unique combination of innovative buffer, high-performance engineered Taq DNA polymerase, and superior hot-start technology.
Invitrogen Platinum SuperFi II Green PCR Master Mix (2X) contains a ready-to-use mixture of Platinum SuperFi II DNA Polymerase, Platinum SuperFi II Buffer, and dNTPs for convenient PCR setup, as well as two tracking dyes for direct loading of PCR products on gels.
Invitrogen Platinum Taq DNA Polymerase is a convenient and reliable hot-start thermostable DNA polymerase for PCR that provides enhanced specificity over that of Taq DNA Polymerase. The hot start property of the enzyme is conferred by thermolabile monoclonal antibodies that render Taq DNA polymerase...
Thermo Scientific Phire Tissue Direct PCR Master Mix has been developed for amplification of DNA directly from a wide variety of tissues obtained from mice, humans, fish, birds, and insects. The Master Mix containing Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymerase is specially formulated to perform PCR in the...
Invitrogen AccuPrime Pfx SuperMix provides reagents for high-fidelity, high-specificity amplification of DNA fragments. High fidelity is provided by a proprietary enzyme preparation containing recombinant DNA polymerase from Thermococcus species KOD with proofreading activity.
一份 10X 缓冲液 [200 mM Tris HCl (pH 8.4), 500 mM KCl]
Taq Buffers (10X) Thermo Scientific™
Thermo Scientific 10X Taq Buffers are ready-to-use buffers for PCR using Taq DNA polymerases (both recombinant and native). They are available in different compositions and also without detergents.
Thermo Scientific™ ThermoPrime 混合物针对需要提高得率和灵敏度的 PCR 应用进行了优化,以产生大量 PCR 产物。
The Applied Biosystems™ AmpliTaq Gold™ Fast PCR Master Mix is a premix, hot start chemistry for end-point PCR analysis. Its optimized chemical design enables to shorten PCR running time from a traditional 2 hours to proximal 40 minutes.
Phire热启动II DNA聚合酶 Thermo Scientific™
Phire 热启动 II DNA 聚合酶是一种新型 PCR 酶,适用于常规和高通量 PCR 应用。其性能优于市场上所有基于 Taq 的热启动聚合酶。Phire 热启动 II DNA 聚合酶具有强劲的性能和速度,它能够成功扩增长 DNA 片段,并且产量很高。这些特点是通过聚合酶的高级蛋白质工程来实现的。其中掺入了一段独特的双链 DNA 结合域,可缩短延伸时间 (10 - 15 s/kb),提高得率,将保真度提高2倍(相对于 Taq DNA 聚合酶)。 Phire 热启动 II DNA 聚合酶的热启动修饰是基于 Phusion 热启动 II DNA 聚合酶采用的相同亲和配体抑制技术。该技术可提高...
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网站内容 (383)
简介 实时荧光定量 PCR、传统 PCR 与数字 PCR 概述 传统 PCR 在平台期测量时结果存在变异 实时荧光定量 PCR 在指数期测量可实现更加准确的定量 数字 PCR 统计个别分子可实现绝对定量 基于 Applied Biosystems TaqMan 探针和 SYBR Green 的检测 Applied Biosystems 提供全系列的实时荧光定量 PCR 产品,满足常规和具有挑战性的应用需求。, DNA 扩增用于: 数字 PCR 的优点: 实时荧光定量 PCR 的优点: 传统 PCR 的缺点: 要了解为什么传统 PCR 存在限制,务必要了解 PCR 反应过程中发生了什么。基本...
Applied Biosystems VeritiPro PCR仪秉承Veriti PCR仪久经验证的可靠性,并提供更快的变温速率,更安静的运行和更先进的网络连接选项。利用更直观的VeriFlex模块技术进行PCR优化的精确控温。通过云平台远程连接VeritiPro PCR仪。在手机端或电脑端,通过Thermo Fisher Cloud 平台方便地编辑和安全上传您的实验程序,监控运行状态和检查仪器是否可以使用等。 咨询报价   VeritiPro 3D虚拟体验 最新活动—PCR仪以旧换新 手册下载, The Veriti Thermal Cycler delivers the proven...
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