
Products (9)

Documents & Support

9 Products
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高内涵细胞成像分析 Thermo Scientific™
Flexibible and adaptable to both current and future workflows and capacity needs, Thermo Scientific™ High Content Analysis Solutions scale from simple feeding of an automation friendly imager through to a complete cell preparation and imaging workflow solutions.
Things change rapidly in the business of drug discovery: assay techniques, instrument technologies, bioinformatics, staff, facilities, research goals, government regulations... budgets. The solution is here now: Thermo Scientific™ Dimension4 Modular Automation Platform consists of software and...
DNA 净化系统 Thermo Scientific™
Boost walkaway time, reduce human error, increase throughput and improve sample processing uniformity. The Thermo Scientific™ DNA Purification System is an automation tool for bead based methods using magnetic particles.
Automate high-speed purifications with this turn-key solution that enables faster, cleaner, more consistent nucleic acid extraction. Thermo Scientific™ Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction WorkStation is based on revolutionary magnetic separation technology, Thermo Scientific™ KingFisher™ Flex based...
Vanquish™ UHPLC 上样器 Thermo Scientific™
The Vanquish™ UHPLC Loader enables end-to-end analytical workflow automation, providing superior performance and increased throughput without burdening lab resources. Achieve fully automated workflows involving LC and LC-MS by easily upgrading your Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ UHPLC System with the...
即用型测定板生产 Thermo Scientific™
Optimize performance, reliability and flexibility using Thermo Scientific™ Assay Ready Plate Production. Thermo Scientific automated solutions scale with your operations, from low capacity single assay workstations to full scale production of multiple uHTS assay plate types.
HID NIMBUS™ Presto QNA System Applied Biosystems™
The HID NIMBUS Presto QNA System is an integrated automated liquid handling solution specifically scripted, optimized, and validated for use with Applied Biosystems forensic human identification (HID) purification, quantification, and STR amplification kits, which have been validated according to...
HID NIMBUS™ QNA System Applied Biosystems™
The Applied Biosystems HID NIMBUS QNA System is an easy-to-use, compact automated instrument that can set up a DNA quantification plate, perform normalization, and set up an STR amplification plate for your forensic needs.
毒性测试工作站 Thermo Scientific™
Perform automatic testing of drug candidates for cytotoxicity using Thermo Scientific™ Toxicity Testing Workstation. The Thermo Scientific Catalyst Express robot-centered system enable turnkey cytotoxity testing.
Documents & Support (5,262)
TCAutomation Laboratory Automation Solution [FR]
TCAutomation Laboratory Automation Solution [ZH]