TCAutomation Laboratory Automation System
Efficiency and consistency in sample handling

Expandable automation to streamline lab processes

Improved efficiency and safety of sample management together with short and consistent turnaround times are the key benefits of laboratory automation. By automating the key pre- and post-analytical steps, such as decapping, centrifugation, aliquoting, sorting, recapping, storage and retrieval, Thermo Scientific™ TCAutomation™ helps to manage the increasing workloads and improve quality in clinical laboratories.

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Flexible, open and scalable system

TCAutomation system provides a solution for increased throughput needs and for integration of new analyzing technologies.

Each installation is planned for its individual optimal efficiency delivering improved sample management.

  • TCAutomation systems fit into various floor plans.
  • The modular concepts are scalable to meet the changing needs.
  • TCAutomation system can grow from a small automation to high volume total laboratory automation solution.

TCAutomation system supports analyzer interfaces from various different manufactures. Workcell solutions may include two or more system combination increasing the analyzer capacity and decreasing the manual work.

  • Single entry point without pre-sorting.
  • One centralized user interface offers integrated functionality for managing the whole workcell.
  • Easy addition of pre- and post-analytical functionality.
Watch TCAutomation system in action

Labor-intensive tasks can be automated in different combinations

TCAutomation ES Flex, Entry and Exit Modules

ES Flex, Entry and Exit Modules - Modules for automatic or manual sample loading and unloading in user-specified racks. In ES Flex automatic retrieval for rerun and excellent sample sorting capabilities.

TCAutomation Aliquoter/Labeler Module

Aliquoter/Labeler Module – Automatic sample aliquoting to secondary tubes using disposable tips. Automatic barcode labeling of secondary tubes.

TCAutomation Centrifuge Module

Centrifuge Module – Automatic and continuous centrifugation of samples.

TCAutomation Decapper Flex Module

Decapper Flex Module – Automatic cap removal from different types and sizes of sample tubes.

TCAutomation Recapper Module

Recapper Module – Automatic capping of different types and sizes of primary and TCAutomation Aliquoter secondary tubes with conical caps.

TCAutomation Buffer Module

Buffer Module – Area for samples waiting for validation and for storing empty carriers.

TCAutomation Cold Storage Module

Cold Storage Module – Refrigerated storage module from which samples can be automatically retrieved back to the track for re-testing or discharged.

TCAutomation Perpendicular and Parallel Bypass Modules

Perpendicular and Parallel Bypass Modules – Analyzer- specific interface modules for point-of-space system connections.

TCAutomation Robotic Analyzer Interfaces

Robotic Analyzer Interfaces – Please contact Thermo Fisher Scientific for more information.

Fully featured solutions for optimized workflow

Effective sample processing

Samples are transported within the TCAutomation system in single tube carriers that accommodate various tube types and sizes.

  • Sample tube carriers with an embedded RFID microchip enable faster and more reliable sample identification.
  • Excellent real-time sample tracking possibilities.

Centralized operation

TCAutomation controller, based on Windows™ software, offers in a single screen an overview of the entire system.

  • Controller allows users an easy way to monitor large automation configurations.
  • Route definitions are simple to manage and provide flexibility when optimizing the workflow.

Expandability step by step

Depending on the floor plan and efficiency requirements, TCAutomation systems can be expanded step by step by adding modules.

  • Expand functionality with additional modules
  • Increase throughput by multiple modules
  • Extend analytical integration by adding analyzer interfaces