Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy Research

Comprehensive solutions to support checkpoint inhibitor therapy research from genomic biomarker discovery and verification tools to protein biology and cell analysis products

Immune checkpoints are cell pathways crucial in maintaining a normal immune response and protecting tissues from damage when the immune system is activated. Tumor cells deregulate immune checkpoints and use this as a mechanism of immune resistance. Understanding immune checkpoints in natural killer (NK) cells and T cells is a main focus of research as these cells regulate both the adaptive and innate immunity surrounding the tumor.

One of the most promising areas of immuno-oncology research is checkpoint inhibitor therapy. By understanding the effects of immune checkpoints (Figure 1), therapies can be developed that leverage the body’s innate immune response to attack cancer. Thermo Fisher Scientific offers products and services to support everything needed in checkpoint inhibitor therapy research from genomic biomarker discovery including combinational therapy research to cellular analysis.

Featured products

This pan-cancer gene expression assay is designed to interrogate the tumor microenvironment to enable mechanistic studies and identification of predictive biomarkers for immunotherapy.

Simplified, robust assays for analyzing DNA replication in proliferating cells compared to traditional BrdU methods

Designed for RNA and protein expression analysis as cells change over time or in response to stimuli; assay for any protein when no antibody is available

Explore our checkpoint inhibitor therapy solutions and technologies

Genomic biomarker discovery

Find tools for genomic biomarker discovery by interrogating the whole transcriptome.


Search our extensive portfolio of antibodies to key checkpoint markers, including:

Genomic biomarker verification

Find tools for genomic biomarker verification of well-understood checkpoint inhibitors and immune related genes.

Protein expression

Learn more about protein expression systems that are easy to use and designed to deliver high protein yields.

Additional assays

  • CellTrace assays—conduct proliferation measurements based on DNA synthesis or cellular metabolism parameters. Assays can report cell health, genotoxicity, and inhibition of tumor cell growth during drug development.
  • Click-iT EdU assays—provide a simplified, more robust assay for analyzing DNA replication in proliferating cells compared to traditional BrdU methods
  • PrimeFlow RNA assays—designed for RNA and protein expression analysis as cells change over time or in response to stimuli; assay for any protein when no antibody is available

Quantitative protein analysis

We offer quality Invitrogen immunoassays designed to help you easily quantify checkpoint protein biomarkers with confidence.

Singleplex quantitation of proteomic biomarkers

  • Validated ELISA kits—complete and ready to use, designed to enable accurate protein quantitation of immune-related cancer targets. We also offer simplified workflow and high-sensitivity options.
  • Robust, reliable microplate readers—from the original inventors of microplate readers, choose from a lineup of tried and true Thermo Scientific dedicated and multimode readers, all powered by the same intuitive SkanIt Software.
  • ProQuantum Immunoassays—when working with very limited samples, this unique platform offers high-sensitivity with a streamlined workflow, available with popular targets used in I/O research.

Multiplex quantitation of proteomic biomarkers

Immune cell functionality

Learn more about immune checkpoint proteins and immune cell functionality.

