ProtoArray services and its associated products have been discontinued, information here is for reference.

ProtoArray technical services
ProtoArray microarrays publications and literature

ProtoArray microarrays protein content
Array typeContent listAvailability
Version 5.0 (over 9,000 proteins) Protein Content list v5.0 (9MB)Contact technical support: (800) 955-6288 (US only) or e-mail
Version 5.1 (over 9,000 proteins Protein Content List v5.1 (8MB)Contact technical support: (800) 955-6288 (US only) or e-mail
Protein spot information
ProtoArray microarrayTotal spots* Unique human proteinsControl spots
Human Protein Micro v5.02323294832016
Human Protein Microarray v4.12112082952122
Human Protein Microarray v4.01920082221326
Human Protein Microarray nc v3.01824050044231
Human Protein Microarray mg v3.01228847241161
Human Protein Microarray nc v2.01075230172354
Human Protein Microarray nc v1.0690419281524
Human Protein Microarray mg v1.0768019281912
Control Protein Microarray mg v4.14224NA2112
Control Protein Micro mg v5.04032NA2016
*Note: Each sample is printed in duplicate. NA = Not applicable.

Technical resources

Contact our technical support specialists at (800) 955-6288 (US only) or e-mail at
