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如果镜头一直在样品上移动,可能是对焦太快且丢失焦平面(如果是手动聚焦)的问题,或者是物镜校准的问题(如果使用自动聚焦)。最好使用系统自带的FL Auto校准载玻片校准物镜。首先检查看您的物镜是长工作距离(LWD)物镜或盖玻片矫正(CC)物镜。如果是盖玻片矫正(CC)物镜,则只能采用超短的工作距离,通过薄盖玻片进行成像,不能通过载玻片、微孔板或培养皿内的塑料底进行成像。如果使用高放大倍数或者油镜,利用肉眼观察,向上移动物镜接触到样品的底部,然后缓慢地朝远离样品的方向移动物镜,进一步聚焦。
当在Z轴(上和下)聚焦得太高时,物镜会擦到容器支架适配器。这是EVOS™ FL Auto成像系统启动、仪器启动时移动载物台或切换物镜时遇到的特殊问题。盖玻片矫正物镜的镜筒顶部更加宽和平,尤其是在样品容器边缘成像时,这意味着它们更容易触碰容器支架适配器的边缘,在这些情况下,无法使用物镜在这些区域成像。如果物镜被容器支架适配器‘’卡‘’住了,慢慢的旋转容器支架适配器上的拇指螺丝,将其竖直提起离开载物台,然后再朝着载物台的中心向下移动物镜聚焦。最好的办法是在您的实验室设定一个关机流程,包括将物镜移动到最低的放大倍数,在每天关闭仪器之前向下调整镜头。
First, examine unstained/unlabeled tissue under all filter sets to determine that this is not due to endogenous autofluorescence.This is particularly a problem with paraffin sections.If the control still shows this autofluorescence, it may be reduced by washing 3 x 10 min with 1 mg/mL sodium borohydride prior to blocking and labeling.
What may be happening is non-specific binding of the secondary antibody due to dye charge, for example, where the negatively-charged dye is attracted to positively-charged cellular components.To block this, use Image-iT™ FX Signal Enhancer (Cat Nos. I36933 and R37107), which blocks non-specific binding due to charge interactions between the dyes on conjugates and cellular components.
Some labels, including some antibodies, are of low-enough affinity that they can come off over time during storage of the labeled slides.To slow this off-rate, samples can be post-fixed with formaldehyde for 5–15 min, after the secondary antibody, to cross-link the secondary antibody in place.The sample should also be mounted in a hardening mounting medium, such as ProLong™ Diamond Antifade Mountant, as the hardening mountant slows diffusion of the secondary antibody.Finally, after the mountant has fully hardened, the slide can be stored cold, preferably at –20°C, to further slow any dissociation.
When cells and tissues are treated with solvents such as xylene or acetone (for example during deparaffinization of tissue sections), it affects the F-actin in a way that prevents phalloidins from binding.Cryosections, which are not typically washed with organic solvents, can be used instead of paraffin, or anti-actin antibodies may be used.
All fluorescent dyes will fade, or “photobleach,” to at least some extent when exposed to strong light at the wavelengths they absorb.Here are some causes for photobleaching and ways to fix the problem:
Cause of photobleaching | Potential fix |
Generation of free radicals and singlet oxygen | Use an antifade reagent, which has antioxidants and free radical scavengers: -For live-cell imaging of fluorescent dyes and proteins, we recommend ProLong™ Live Antifade Reagent which can be added to the cell media or buffer.ProLong™ Live Antifade Reagent can significantly increase the stability over time for reagents as well as fluorescent proteins, like GFP, without affecting cell health, for up to 24 hours. -For immediate analysis and short-term storage of fixed samples, we recommend SlowFade™ Diamond Antifade Mountant (which stays liquid and can be used for immediate viewing and then disposal of the sample within a day). -For long-term analysis of Alexa Fluor™ dyes in fixed samples, we recommend a curing mountant, such as ProLong™ Diamond Antifade Mountant (which slows movement of free radicals). -For long-term analysis of all dyes and fluorescent proteins in fixed samples, we recommend ProLong™ Diamond Antifade Mountant (which hardens for archiving of slides). |
Dye is particularly sensitive to fading | -Choose a more photostable dye, such as many of our Alexa Fluor™ dyes - Use a counterstain with which you can select and set up your image field, then switch to the dye of interest to image. |
Intense illumination | - Reduce light exposure, for example by reducing laser power or using neutral density filters. - Minimize the viewing time of labeled sample, and close shutter when not viewing. - Use an objective with a lower numerical aperture, such as a lower-power objective. |
Here is a good guide to choosing an antifade reagent.
First, make sure you are exciting and detecting the dye in the appropriate wavelengths.Next, try optimizing the dye concentration with your controls, as well as the dye staining time.Our manuals have some guidelines.If you are using a live-cell system, we also recommend washing out any unreacted dye for many of our products to reduce background fluorescence, or adding a background suppressor such as BackDrop™ Suppressor ReadyProbes™ Reagent.Check your instrument settings; some plate readers, for instance, may have a means of adjusting the gain setting to get the best signal-to-background.Finally, some dyes are better than others for degree of change upon ion detection.Contact Tech Support by sending an email to if you would like to discuss dye options.
Bubbles may be removed by one of two methods:
To avoid the formation of bubbles on a sample or to remove bubbles: