Mass Spectrometry Core Essentials

Proper sample preparation is critical to reproducible and accurate mass spectrometry analysis results. Mass Spectrometry Core Labs strive to offer their users reliable, consistent data. We offer high quality reagents and complete, convenient kits that have been fully tested to enable optimal outcomes, from protein digestion to peptide enrichment, clean-up, and quantitation.

  • Comprehensive—reagents and kits for every step of the sample preparation workflow, both before and after protein digestion
  • Versatile—products available in both complete kits and standalone reagents; bulk and custom packaging is also available
  • Compatible—all kits are designed to be compatible with mass spectrometry analysis, and processed samples have been fully tested and analyzed using Thermo Scientific Mass Spectrometers

Choose the right mass spectrometry sample preparation product

Featured product data

The EasyPep Mini MS Sample Prep Kit compared to a traditional protocol and another commercially available kit

Figure 1. The EasyPep Mini MS Sample Prep Kit compared to a traditional protocol and another commercially available kit. The EasyPep Mini MS Sample Prep Kit provides a high peptide yield, and comparable peptide and protein identifications in cell lysates with good reproducibility.

Performance of High-Select Abundant Protein Depletion Spin Columns

Figure 2. Abundant protein depletion improves identification of unique proteins. Protein group identification profiles for normal human plasma samples which were (a) not depleted, or depleted using the HSA/Immunoglobulin (b) and Top14 (c) depletion resins, are shown. All samples were reduced/alkylated and digested with trypsin. Samples were analyzed by LC-MS on an Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid mass spectrometer over a 60 minute gradient using 750 ng of sample per injection (performed in triplicate). Raw files were searched against a human protein database using Thermo Scientific Proteome Discoverer 1.4 software. Non-redundant protein group identification numbers are reported for each sample type.

Comparison of the cleavage selectivity of MS-grade trypsin products

Figure 3. Comparison of the cleavage selectivity of MS-grade trypsin products. Five-protein mixture samples (10 μg) were digested with Pierce Trypsin Protease or Promega Trypsin Gold for 3 hr and analyzed by LC-MS using a Velos Pro Mass Spectrometer. Data analysis was performed using a Mascot search engine with “no enzyme” digestion settings. Greater than 95% cleavage selectivity for lysine and arginine (K/R) was observed for Pierce Trypsin Protease.

Peptide recovery of native and TMT-labeled peptides

Figure 4. Peptide recovery of native peptides at various loads using the Pierce Peptide Desalting Spin Columns. Digested HeLa extracts (5–5,000 μg) were loaded onto Pierce Peptide Desalting Spin Columns and processed according to the protocol. Total recovered desalted peptides were estimated using the Pierce Quantitative Colorimetric Peptide Assay.

Sensitivity of the Pierce Quantitative Colorimetric Peptide Assay

Figure 5. Sensitivity of the Pierce Quantitative Colorimetric Peptide Assay. (A) Sensitivity of Pierce Quantitative Colorimetric Peptide Assay compared to the Pierce Micro BCA Assay using BSA Digest. (B) Quantitation comparison between Pierce Quantitative Peptide Assays using 12 different cultured mammalian cell lysates.

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How to Use video for EasyPep Mini MS Sample Prep Kit

Use this rapid mass spec sample prep kit for protein extraction, digestion and peptide clean-up in 2-4 hours.
