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可通过表面改性来改变或改善这些特性;可通过表面分析来了解表面化学信息、研究表面工艺的效果。从不粘炊具涂层到薄膜电子和生物活性表面,X 射线光电子能谱是进行表面表征的标准工具之一。
X 射线光电子能谱 (XPS) 也称为用于化学分析的电子能谱 (ESCA),是一种用于分析材料表面化学的技术。XPS 可以测试得到材料表面元素组成及化学态信息。
通过使用一束 X 射线照射固体表面并测量从材料表面 1-10 nm 发射的电子的动能来获得 XPS 谱图。通过对一定动能范围中出射的电子进行计数,记录光电子谱图。通过光电子峰的能量和强度实现对样品表面所有元素(氢除外)鉴定和相对定量。
当您查看样品时,您想知道哪项分析技术能为您提供所需的所有相关信息吗?您得到的答案是否通常为,没有一种技术能为您提供所需的所有相关信息?为了全面了解材料,您需要使用多种技术对其进行分析。当您使用一台仪器,多技术联用时,您可以结合 XPS、ISS、REELS、UPS 和拉曼等多种技术来更好地研究样品特性。了解如何实现快速实现全面的表面分析。
Discover how XPS has impacted research over the last 50 years.
Professor John Watts goes over how to solve materials problems with XPS.
Mr. Palgrave of University College London goes over analyzing solid-state and thin film materials using XPS.
This webinar will introduce these additional techniques and show how they can be used with XPS to build comprehensive understanding of the surfaces of materials.
The speakers Tim Nunney (Thermo Fisher Scientific), Raheleh Azmi (KIT) and Dr Vinod C. Prabhakaran (NCL) give presentations on the basics of XPS.
The speakers Roland Barbosa (Covalent Metrology), Paul Mack and Herman Lemmens (Thermo Fisher Scientific) give presentations on multi-technique and complementary analysis.
The speakers Damien Aureau (UVSQ), Robert Palgrave (UCL) and Albert Ge (Thermo Fisher Scientific) give presentations on analysis of materials for advanced applications.
The speakers Tim Nunney, Paul Mack, Robin Simpson, Hsiang-Han Tseng, Stuart Blackburn (Thermo Fisher Scientific) answer applications questions.
The XPS knowledge view is a powerful reference tool included within Avantage Datasystem
Depth profiling is a common experiment using XPS surface analysis instrumentation. This presentation explains how a depth profile is set up, the types of equipment available to work with different types of sample, and is illustrated with example anal
This presentation gives an introduction to X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, a key technique for understanding materials. The first part of this two part series describes the fundamentals of the technique, the instrumentation, and is illustrated with
The second part of this two part presentation shows how X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy can solve a problem by walking through a complete analysis of a sample, with tips on how to successfully collect and process XPS data.
The Thermo Scientific MAGCIS dual mode ion source enables depth profiling analysis and surface cleaning of both soft and hard materials on the same XPS instrument.
利用 Avantage 软件了解 XPS 图谱和深度剖面图 - 第 2 部分
利用 Avantage 软件了解表面化学
该网络讲座旨在为现有Avantage 软件用户提供培训,同时向对其不熟悉的用户进行科普介绍。
XPS 可以提供样品表面最表面纳米级的化学态信息,从而分析钝化涂层、了解催化剂化学性质以及开发生物兼容涂层。
使用 XPS 表征聚合物
本网络讲座涵盖了 X 射线光电子能谱的基础知识,特别强调了如何将其用于聚合物表面分析领域。X 射线光电子能谱是用于材料表面化学分析的一项重要技术。
This webinar will introduce these additional techniques and show how they can be used with XPS to build comprehensive understanding of the surfaces of materials.
The speakers Tim Nunney (Thermo Fisher Scientific), Raheleh Azmi (KIT) and Dr Vinod C. Prabhakaran (NCL) give presentations on the basics of XPS.
The speakers Roland Barbosa (Covalent Metrology), Paul Mack and Herman Lemmens (Thermo Fisher Scientific) give presentations on multi-technique and complementary analysis.
The speakers Damien Aureau (UVSQ), Robert Palgrave (UCL) and Albert Ge (Thermo Fisher Scientific) give presentations on analysis of materials for advanced applications.
The speakers Tim Nunney, Paul Mack, Robin Simpson, Hsiang-Han Tseng, Stuart Blackburn (Thermo Fisher Scientific) answer applications questions.
The XPS knowledge view is a powerful reference tool included within Avantage Datasystem
Depth profiling is a common experiment using XPS surface analysis instrumentation. This presentation explains how a depth profile is set up, the types of equipment available to work with different types of sample, and is illustrated with example anal
This presentation gives an introduction to X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, a key technique for understanding materials. The first part of this two part series describes the fundamentals of the technique, the instrumentation, and is illustrated with
The second part of this two part presentation shows how X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy can solve a problem by walking through a complete analysis of a sample, with tips on how to successfully collect and process XPS data.
The Thermo Scientific MAGCIS dual mode ion source enables depth profiling analysis and surface cleaning of both soft and hard materials on the same XPS instrument.
利用 Avantage 软件了解 XPS 图谱和深度剖面图 - 第 2 部分
利用 Avantage 软件了解表面化学
该网络讲座旨在为现有Avantage 软件用户提供培训,同时向对其不熟悉的用户进行科普介绍。
XPS 可以提供样品表面最表面纳米级的化学态信息,从而分析钝化涂层、了解催化剂化学性质以及开发生物兼容涂层。
使用 XPS 表征聚合物
本网络讲座涵盖了 X 射线光电子能谱的基础知识,特别强调了如何将其用于聚合物表面分析领域。X 射线光电子能谱是用于材料表面化学分析的一项重要技术。
需要更多X射线光电子能谱的相关资料? 请填写下面的表格,我们会尽快与您联系!